Snooker is considered one of the most difficult pocket billiards games. It is believed that this game first appeared in the nineteenth century, in India. Today, both professionals and amateurs play snooker. In order to enjoy this exciting game, it is enough to master the basic rules, find some free time and a suitable table.

Step 1
Snooker is played with 15 red, 6 colored and one white ball. The white ball is called the cue ball. The goal of this game is to score the most points. In this case, the balls must go into the pockets in a strictly defined sequence. Each of the balls is assigned its own number of points: - black ball - 7 points; - pink - 6; - blue - 5; - brown - 4; - green - 3; - yellow - 2; - red - one point each.
Step 2
A match, as a rule, consists of several frames - games. Their number is determined in advance.
Step 3
Before the start of the game, the balls are placed on the table in a certain way. The first hit in the first set will be determined by drawing lots. In the following games, the kickoffs are taken in turn
Step 4
The player must alternately pocket the colored and red balls. In this case, as long as there are red balls on the table, the played colored ones are returned and placed on certain points of the table.
Step 5
The player who gets the right to hit must hit any of the red balls. The maximum allowable impact time is one minute. When performing a stroke, the cue-ball must touch the red ball, but at the same time it must not be in the pocket. As a result of a correct hit, only red balls can be in the pocket. Points are awarded based on the number of balls driven.
Step 6
If, after the strike, none of the red balls hit the pocket, the "move" goes to the opponent.
Step 7
The next hit should be on a colored ball. Moreover, its color is negotiated in advance - "ordered". A ball is considered pocketed if, when hitting, the cue-ball first touched the "ordered" ball and, at the same time, did not get into the pocket. It should be noted that as a result, only the “ordered” colored ball should be in the pocket. Points are awarded based on its "value". If the ball is not pocketed, the game goes to another player.
Step 8
After all the red balls have been played, the colored ones should be pocketed in a strictly defined sequence - in ascending order of their "price". At this stage of the game, the colored balls do not return to the table. The game is considered over when the last - black - ball is in the pocket.