The trapezius muscle is responsible for the normal functioning of the shoulder girdle and neck. Also, a strong trapezoid protects the cervical vertebrae and collarbone from various injuries. There are special exercises that are aimed at pumping these muscles. They are called shrags.

It is necessary
- - bar
- - dumbbells
- - bars
Step 1
Stand up straight with your feet slightly narrower than your shoulders. Take the barbell in your hands so that your hands on the bar are wide apart. Straighten your back, bring your shoulder blades together, lift your chin up. Feel the slight tension in your muscles. Raise your shoulders while holding the barbell in your hands. Try to reach with them as if to your ears. Lock in the top position. Then slowly return to the starting position. Remember - jerk up, slowly - down. Do the exercise no more than ten times.
Step 2
Take dumbbells, choose your optimal weight and do exactly the same exercises as with a barbell. The dumbbell version is recommended to be performed immediately after the barbell. Thanks to these scars, you will pump well the upper part of the trapezius muscle.
Step 3
Set the bench at an incline of approximately 30 °, but no more. Lie face down. Lower your hands to the floor. Take dumbbells in each hand. Raise them with your elbows up, bending your arms, bringing your shoulder blades together. Perform twelve times in one approach. This exercise pumps the middle of the trapezoid.
Step 4
Develop your lower trapezius muscles with parallel bars. The bulk of these muscles falls precisely on the lower part. Therefore, by working out the bottom thoroughly, you will ensure that all the muscles of the back in its upper part will be developed proportionally. Starting position - on the uneven bars, arms extended. Trying not to bend your elbows, pull your torso toward the floor, as if lifting your shoulders. At the same time, the back should be flat, keep it upright. Make sure that the shoulders rise up as much as possible during the exercise. Return to starting position. Repeat ten times.
Step 5
Remember the basic rules when training the trapezius muscle: raise the projectile - inhale, lower it - exhale. You can't hold your breath. Keep your shoulders straight up, do not pull them forward. Always try to keep your head straight and your chin up.
Step 6
Control the weight of the shells. With heavy weight, it is impossible to properly work out the muscles in sufficient amplitude. It is better to do several approaches. Do not bend your elbows in vertical exercises. This will begin to load the biceps and limit the amount of trapezius muscle.