How To Do Muscle Stretching At Home?

How To Do Muscle Stretching At Home?
How To Do Muscle Stretching At Home?

Stretching your muscles will help your body stay toned at all times. Stretching exercises can be done as a warm-up before more serious exercise. The most important thing is to observe the measure, because muscle strain is treated for a long time.

How to do muscle stretching at home?
How to do muscle stretching at home?

Stretching the muscles of the neck. All exercises are performed in a standing or sitting position, 10 repetitions each. First: put your hands on the back of your head with your fingers together. Press on your head to bend it as low as possible towards your chest. Do not move your shoulders, do not round your back. Second: put your left hand on the back of your head. Press on your head, aiming your chin towards your chest. Then turn it to the left so that the chin stretches towards the left shoulder. Repeat for the right side.

Third: close your hands on your forehead and begin to tilt your head back. The shoulders remain relaxed. Fourth: place your left hand on your forehead, tilt your head back, and then to your left shoulder. Fifth: perform head bends left and right, trying to touch the corresponding shoulder. The shoulder does not rise at the same time. Sixth: make circular rotations of the head to the left and to the right, trying to do it with the greatest amplitude. Movements should be smooth.

Stretching the muscles of the arms and shoulders. Repeat all exercises 10 times. First, extend your left arm, grab it with your right elbow, and pull it as close to your right shoulder as possible. Repeat for the other hand. Second: put your hands in the lock behind your back. The elbow of one hand looks up and the other down. Take your upper elbow back as far as possible. If it doesn't work right away, stretch each arm in turn. Raise your elbow up and press on it with your other hand, trying to touch the shoulder blade. Third: sit down, close your hands in the lock and place your palms on the floor. Stretch your body forward, and let your arms remain in place.

To speed up your progress, find a training partner who can help you with difficult exercises.

Stretching the abdominal muscles. In each position, linger for 15 seconds, repeat 5 times. First: lie on your stomach and rise on your hands, arching your back. Feel the tension in your oblique abdominal muscles. This exercise is also suitable for the back muscles. Second: kneel down. Bend the body back, rest your palms on the floor. Third: do the classic bridge exercise. From a prone position, rise on your palms and feet, striving with your chest and abdomen up.

Stretching the muscles of the back and lower back. These exercises are repeated a couple of times while holding the end position for 15-30 seconds. First: put your feet hip-width apart, arms relaxed. Begin to slowly bend your back, trying to reach the floor. The body weight is concentrated in the toes, the back is round. Return to the starting position just as slowly. Second: bend your body, keeping your back straight. At the end point, rest your hands on your shins. Third: try to press your chest and stomach to straight legs, wrapping your arms around them.

Fourth: kneel, then lower your buttocks to your heels. Stretch your straight arms forward and place them on the floor, with your forehead in contact with the floor. This exercise gently stretches the spine, you can stay in this position for as long as you like without harm. Fifth: sit down, stretch your legs. Stretch your arms up and lean towards your legs, pressing your body against them. Hands can be placed on the sides of the legs or gripped by the feet.

With regular training, you can make dramatic changes in 1-2 months.

Stretching the leg muscles. All exercises are performed 2-3 times, holding the end position for 30 seconds. First, get into a runner pose before starting. One knee goes forward, the other leg is on the toes behind, straight. Strive with your pelvis to the ground. Second: the starting position is the same, but put your back foot on the floor. Place your hands on the side of your front foot. Strive with your pelvis to the ground. Third: the position of the body is the same, but now the forearms lie on the side of the foot. The closer they are moved to the foot, the more the pelvis "opens". Fourth: sit with your bent knees apart and your feet joined. Press your hands on your knees, pulling them to the floor.
