The Summer Olympics in London is one of the main sporting events of 2012. Preparations for this event have been going on for a long time. However, the closer the competition, the more people want to get to the stands as observers and fans.

Step 1
You can follow the path of least resistance and arrange a full-fledged tour for yourself, the price of which includes a visit to the Olympics. Today there are a number of companies offering this service. You pay for a regular tourist ticket - flight, transfer from the airport to the hotel, hotel, meals, usually the cost of attending the Olympic competitions is already included in it. Naturally, the cost of such a voyage will be much more expensive than a simple tourist voucher. But you don't have to puzzle over where and how to buy tickets for the competition.
Step 2
Try to buy tickets through the official website LOCOG (London Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games). However, it should be borne in mind that the period for the purchase of input documents is limited. And it is quite possible that most of the tickets have already been sold out. But there is always a chance that there will be at least one more ticket. On the site, you need to select the sections of interest, fill in the proposed fields, indicate all the information regarding personal data and the method of payment. Confirm the purchase and the tickets are yours. They will be sent to you at the email address specified in the order. All that remains is to take care of the rest of your trip - tickets to London, hotel reservations, etc.
Step 3
Alternatively, you can go to London and try to go to the Olympic venues right there. This is in case you failed to buy tickets in your country. Usually, the input documents are sold by resellers directly on the spot. True, the cost of tickets will be much higher - in these cases, their price doubles.
Step 4
You can even get to the London Olympics in 2012 at minimal cost. To do this, you need to try to get into the composition of the delegations. A huge number of them are sent to the competition - they are representatives of sports clubs, sportsmen support clubs, and representatives of the organizers of the event. Choose the option that suits you best, find friends in the corporations you need, and try to be part of the delegation that this company sends to the Olympic Games in London.
Step 5
You will be able to visit the Olympic venues during the competition days and if you are a volunteer for the Olympics. The role of such people is to help the organizers, and free of charge. Volunteers should participate in meeting guests, accommodating them, conducting study tours for guests of the competition. Also, volunteers should provide all possible participation in the preparation of facilities for the start of the competition. For this help, volunteers get the opportunity to attend the Olympics free of charge.