Oddly enough, but skis are one of the oldest inventions of Homo sapiens. The first skis appeared so that a person could easily move around the winter expanses, covered with snow, in search of food.

A little history of the great ski track
It was in areas with harsh climatic conditions, long blizzard winters that the first skis appeared. In 1982, the archaeologist A. M. Miklyaev, fragments of an ancient ski were found on the territory of the modern Pskov region. Historians have determined its age and proved that more than 4300 years ago, people knew how to make and use skis in their primitive economy.
The first written mentions of sliding skis date back to the 6th century AD. e. Many Greek historians describe the unknown devices they saw, which were successfully used by the Finns and the inhabitants of Lapland in hunting and in everyday life. A little later, detailed instructions were given on the use of skis when hunting for an animal by the peoples of the North. Even the king of Norway Olaf Trugvasson himself, according to the court annals of 925, was an excellent skier. The same restless Norwegians showed their first interest in skiing as a winter sport.
Skiing in Russia
The first sports track in Russia for the competition of "ski runners" was laid directly on the snow of the frozen Neva in 1894 in St. Petersburg, and already in 1910 the very first championship in cross-country skiing was organized and held. After the October Revolution, skiing competitions resumed in 1924. Over the past 90 years of its history, skiing has changed dramatically. In the 1980s, a completely new technique of "skating" running appeared, which differs from the traditional classical style, and in addition to the mass start, the pursuit race (Gundersen system) appeared. And in 1983 the "Ski Track of Russia" was held for the first time.
Ski track of Russia
Every year, in the midst of winter, the Ski Track of Russia hospitably welcomes everyone to its big ski holiday. Every year, these competitions start everywhere on the first or second Saturday of February and are designed for all fans of skiing. Professional skiers and ordinary skiers, whose age is 12-70 years old, can participate in them. Olympic champions, statesmen, professional athletes, mayors of cities, politicians and veterans of skiing go to the start together with amateurs. Here, each category of skiers will have corresponding distances. The aim of the competition is to attract everyone to regular skiing and to popularize physical culture among all segments of the population.