How To Become A Parkourist

How To Become A Parkourist
How To Become A Parkourist

Table of contents:


Parkour can rightfully be called one of the most popular and spectacular street sports. Its elements are quite difficult for an unprepared person, since a parkourist must have perfect control of his body and have an ideal physical shape. In order to get started with parkour, you have to go through a lot of workouts.

How to become a parkourist
How to become a parkourist


Step 1

The origin of parkour took place in France, where elite commandos invented it to move more quickly through terrain with obstacles without the use of additional devices. Today, parkour has moved from military barracks to city streets, where young people overcome everything that comes their way solely with the help of their flexibility and strength, while demonstrating amazing agility and endurance.

Step 2

For everyone who decides to do parkour, first of all, excellent physical fitness is important - while you do not need to spend days and nights in gyms, pumping up huge muscles. For a parkourist, there are enough strong arms and legs with light, but maximally hardy muscles, which can be strengthened with the help of constant squats, as well as with repeated pull-ups on the horizontal bar and jumping over obstacles. In addition, it is necessary to train the coordination of movement, walking on a narrow board, but at the same time avoiding dangerous jumps over high fences or walls - this can lead to injury and fractures.

Step 3

A beginner should begin his workouts with regular and long runs up flights of stairs, as well as jumping on low structures, which can be found in abundance in any city. For clothing, it is advisable to choose a loose T-shirt and sweatpants, as well as sneakers with non-slip soles and secure lacing. You should not wear things that hinder movement, like outerwear.

Step 4

You need to start training with a jump from one structure to another, trying to maintain a stable balance when landing. Then, landing amortization is practiced with the help of arms and legs, after which you can proceed to the vault with an emphasis on the hands, in which the body is carried forward and upward in a snatch. An obligatory point of preparation is practicing a vault on two arms, during which the legs are placed on the side of the body. And, finally, the final stage of training is placing hands while running on an obstacle, followed by moving the legs over this obstacle and pushing off from it with the help of the second hand.
