Who Is It Harmful To Twist The Hoop

Who Is It Harmful To Twist The Hoop
Who Is It Harmful To Twist The Hoop

The wasp waist is probably every woman's dream. But the process of losing weight is long, monotonous workouts, boring diets. And to add variety and an element of fun, girls turn their attention to various gymnastic equipment, the most popular of which is hula hoop.

For some people, practicing with a hoop can be dangerous
For some people, practicing with a hoop can be dangerous

Gymnastic hoop

A hula-hoop, or a hoop, is a gymnastic apparatus in the form of a ring with a diameter of 65-90 cm. The hoop is twisted at the waist in order to achieve her weight loss and grace. The hoop is also good for creating a flat belly.

The selection of hula hoops is very large:

- plastic and metal;

- smooth and embossed (with massage plates on the inside of the hoop);

- lightweight and with weights (usually magnetic clips along the entire diameter of the hula-hoop);

- simple and with a revolution counter.

A store consultant will help you in choosing a hoop, but if you do not have special training, then it is better to start with a smooth and not very heavy hoop.

Hula-hoop gives very good results if you practice with it regularly. But there are cases when classes with a hoop are contraindicated.

Contraindications for hula hoop

Despite the seeming harmlessness, the hoop is not as simple as it seems. Therefore, the best option is to consult a doctor before starting to exercise. Mandatory consultation with a gynecologist, because pregnancy is an absolute contraindication for a hoop. Relative contraindications are some anatomical features of the structure of the female genital organs (for example, bending of the uterus), as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases from gynecology and the period of menstruation.

You should also be very careful with exercises with a hoop if you have kidney problems: pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, kidney prolapse, urolithiasis, cystitis. The fact is that the kidneys are not protected in any way, they are not covered with ribs, so the blows with the hoop are very noticeable for them. It is for this reason that you should not twist for a very long time, because the kidneys can, as people say, beat off.

Another reason to refrain from twisting the hoop is abdominal pain, especially unspecified. You should not take up the hoop if you have problems with the intestines: colitis, enteritis, duodenal ulcer.

Since the main load when exercising with a hoop is received by the lower back, you need to consult a doctor for existing diseases of the spine: osteochondrosis, pronounced lumbar lordosis, prolapses and herniated mesvertebral discs. In these conditions, gymnastics is needed, but without actively affecting the bones.

Since there are quite a few contraindications for practicing with a hoop, it will not hurt to consult a doctor, especially if you are planning to do it seriously. We must not forget that playing sports is a considerable burden, so you do not need to practice for wear and tear, through pain and discomfort. After all, you can always find a sport to your liking and for health reasons.
