How To Get Rid Of The Belly With Folk Remedies

How To Get Rid Of The Belly With Folk Remedies
How To Get Rid Of The Belly With Folk Remedies

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A flaccid, scruffy belly, helplessly outweighed by a belt of trousers, fat folds on the sides - a rather unpleasant thing. You can, of course, go for liposuction with abdominoplasty, or you can clench your will into a fist and try simple folk methods.

Elastic tummy is beautiful
Elastic tummy is beautiful


Step 1

Diet No delicious tummy is out of the question until the optimal weight for you is reached. In order to lose weight, you need to make sure that the incoming amount of energy is less than that consumed. Then the body will begin to burn fat stored for a rainy day, including on the stomach.

Go on a diet. Limit the amount of incoming carbohydrates (flour, sweet), fat. Lean on vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products and cereals.

Stop eating on the go - set aside a specific time for each meal. For example, breakfast from 7 to 7.30, lunch from 13 to 13.40, and so on. In between meals, refrain from cookies, crackers (purchased), chips and other harmful substances that are so pleasant to snack on. Drink water. The bigger, the better. Speaking of drinking, when calculating the calorie content of their diet, many people forget to include drinks in their list of calorie suppliers. Meanwhile, in a glass of Coca-Cola (about 200 milliliters) there are 90 calories. In terms of excess weight - 10 grams of fat. In terms of physical activity - 15 minutes of work with dumbbells. By the way, alcoholic beverages have the highest number of calories. They should be limited or excluded from the diet altogether.

Step 2

Exercise, Massage Spend 15-20 (preferably more) minutes a day doing a set of abdominal exercises. Learn body flex. Bodyflex gymnastics allows you to literally "exhale" those extra pounds, simultaneously getting rid of sagging muscles and uncontrollable appetite.

After class and shower, give yourself a hard massage. Rub vigorously and pinch the abdomen (you can use special massagers) for several minutes, and then apply on it any cellulite cream or a mixture of anti-cellulite essential oils (10 drops of fennel, orange, grapefruit oils per 10 g of base oil).

Step 3

Lifestyle: Maintain your posture. A protruding belly is most noticeable in people with poor posture. Check: go to the mirror, turn sideways, then straighten your back and expand your shoulders. You will see how instantly the chest has become taller, and the stomach has practically disappeared.

Try to avoid stress. It has been proven that stress provokes an increase in the amount of "fat" in the waist area. Traditional medicine recommends freshly squeezed cabbage juice as a remedy for a large belly. Drink a glass of this drink daily before meals. The course of admission is 30 days.
