A considerable number of people are unhappy with their physical condition. But for the majority, the desire to make their figure beautiful remains only a desire. After all, in order to achieve good muscles, you need to systematically work out in the gym, and this often does not have enough time or energy.

Step 1
Before starting your workout, determine your body type. The approach to exercise and nutrition will depend on this. But the main principles of gaining muscle mass are almost the same.
Step 2
Do not create a training program yourself. For rapid muscle growth, you need the right approach to organizing loads. Better spend your money on a consultation with a professional instructor. Otherwise, you risk wasting time on useless activities.
Step 3
Work out in the gym at least three times a week. Strength training is needed for both men and women. You can achieve muscle growth through weight training.
Step 4
Don't pump muscles in isolation. It takes too much time. Train large muscle groups: back, chest, buttocks, as well as abs, biceps, quads. It is they who participate in the formation of a beautiful athletic silhouette.
Step 5
Exercise with "free weights." With barbell exercises, you simultaneously engage all major muscle groups, and activate the production of growth hormone. This will significantly reduce your training time.
Step 6
Include deadlifts, squats, and bench presses in your workouts. These exercises promote maximum muscle growth and are called basic exercises. Do them only under the supervision of an instructor or partner, at least for the first time. They are very effective, but only when done correctly.
Step 7
Get plenty of rest to help your muscles grow actively. The more intense the load, the more time you take to relax.
Step 8
Increase the load by increasing the mass of the projectile, and not by reducing the breaks between sets or the number of repetitions.
Step 9
Drink plenty of fluids. Muscle is 80% water. Dehydration can lead to muscle loss. That is why the process of muscle reduction is called "drying".
Step 10
Provide your muscles with the amount of protein you need. It is needed for their active growth. The best sources of this nutrient are meat and fish. If you are overweight, it is better to eat turkey meat. It is not as fatty and consists of 50% protein. From cereals, give preference to buckwheat.