Beautiful and firm buttocks are every woman's dream. For this dream to come true, it is necessary not only to eat right, but also to lead an active lifestyle, that is, to exercise regularly.

Exercise is essential for your buttocks to look beautiful, firm, and slender. There are a lot of sets of exercises, each trainer has his own methodology. But despite all this diversity, it is worth knowing that in order for the result to be noticeable, you have to work hard! Exercises according to this technique can and is best done 2 times a day, do not be lazy. It is important to combine them with a balanced diet, and within a month the results of training will be noticeable.
A set of exercises for slim and elastic buttocks
1. Exercise with a chair. A very simple exercise. Sit on a chair and pinch the object with your knees (apple, ball, soft toy). Hold the object for several minutes (3-4), then rest and repeat this exercise 2-3 more times. The back should be straight!
2. Exercise "Twisting on the knees". Get on your knees, hands at the waist or raised up and slightly bent inward. Sit down slowly on the right buttock, then rise and sit on the left buttock. The sitting and lifting exercises are performed equally slowly, which makes the workout more effective.

3. Exercise for endurance. Stand against the wall and rest against it with the back of your head, shoulder blades and buttocks. Then slowly bend your knees and tighten your muscles, stay in this position for 1-2 minutes. Return slowly to starting position. If you do this exercise correctly, it will seem very difficult to begin with. You should start with 2-3 approaches.

4. Exercise "Heron". Stand straight and slowly pull your knee bent to your chest. Press the knee towards you and hold for 1 minute, change the leg. Repeat the exercise on each leg 10 times.
5. Exercise with feet on the floor. Lie on your back with your legs bent at the knees. Tightening the muscles, lift the pelvis off the floor, while resting your feet on the floor. Ideally, this exercise should be done 20 body lifts in 2 minutes.