Every person in life is faced with such a physical inconvenience as a painful or simply unpleasant sensation in their own back. To avoid this phenomenon or to alleviate the condition, special gymnastics, affecting the muscles of the back and spine, will help. It is recommended that you include these exercises in your morning exercises or do them during the day when you feel tension in your back.

Step 1
Sit with your buttocks on your heels or on a chair (if you are at work), with your hands clasped behind the lock. As you inhale, open your chest, pull your shoulders back, raise your arms as high as possible. Hold the pose for 1 minute. As you exhale, lower your arms down, round your back, lower your upper body to your knees and completely relax.
Step 2
Lie on your stomach, put your hands under your shoulders, rest your toes on the floor. As you inhale, tear your upper body off the floor, gradually straightening your arms, stretch upward behind the crown. Hold the pose for 20-30 seconds. With an exhalation, lower yourself completely to the floor. If you are at work and cannot do the exercise in this version, then use a chair or bench for the modified version. Rest your palms on the seat, place your toes on the floor, lower your chest to your fingers. As you inhale, stretch your body up and perform the exercise, as in the first option.
Step 3
Sit in a Turkish position on the floor, keep your back straight, palms on your knees. As you inhale, put your right hand on your left knee, twist in the spine along its axis to the left and look over the shoulder. Do not round your back, pull the crown up, breathe evenly. After 1 minute, take the starting position and repeat the twist to the right, placing your left palm on the other knee. The office version can be performed on a chair. Sit up straight with your feet on the floor. As you inhale, twist to the right in the spine, try to place both palms on the back of the chair. Hold this pose for 1 minute. With an exhalation, unwind and repeat the exercise in the other direction.