Split is one of the indicators of good body flexibility. In childhood, many children do it easily, but over the years people lose this ability. If you have a desire to master the twine, start doing a small physical complex.

Try to take a hot bath or shower before each stretching workout. If this is not possible for you, apply any hot effect cream on your feet. This approach will help the muscles and ligaments to stretch easily, and then you will not experience pain.
Preparation and stretching
Stretching exercises will help you to sit in a longitudinal twine for 2-3 months, even if at the moment you are not doing it at all.
Stretching requires a chair with a backrest or any other high support. Let's say you are using a chair. Stand to him with your left side, lift the leg of the same name and lower it with your lower leg on the back, make sure that the sock is directed forward, and not up.
Raise your hands, exhaling sideways, bend over to your left leg, while trying not to bend your knee. If you can't bend low, don't worry, daily exercise will gradually help you become more flexible. While stretching, breathe calmly, try to relax the muscles of the leg and core as much as possible. Take your time to quickly get out of the position, let your leg stretch well. With an inhalation, slowly straighten, place your foot carefully on the floor. Stretch on the other leg.
The next exercise is similar to the previous one. Stand facing the support, raise your left leg again, point your toe up and pull it towards you, straighten your knee. When exhaling, stretch your arms in front of you, push the body forward, trying to reach with your chest as much as possible to the thigh. Breathe calmly. When doing stretching, you should not experience severe pain; if it begins to bother you, place your body further from your leg. Hold the position for about 3 minutes. While inhaling, take your time, straighten up and lower your leg.
It may not be possible to perform a longitudinal twine immediately. This is due to the fact that the ligaments, muscles and joints are not yet sufficiently prepared for this position. But you need to try to do the twine every day. Day after day, you will get better and better at this position.
Get on your right knee, extend your left leg forward, rest your hands on the floor. Make sure that the knee of the left leg is fully extended, point the toe towards you. Slowly lower your groin closer to the floor. Do not bring to severe pain, a slight discomfort is permissible, but no more. Hold this position for a few seconds at first, but over and over again try to stay in it longer and longer. Try to do a longitudinal split by swapping your legs.