Why Is Weight Not Going Down?

Why Is Weight Not Going Down?
Why Is Weight Not Going Down?

Every person losing weight has experienced the "plateau effect". This is the name of the sudden cessation of weight loss, when, despite all the efforts, the weight seems to freeze. The reason for this is a slowdown in metabolism.

Why is weight not going down?
Why is weight not going down?

The plateau effect is often observed if a person sits on mono diets. That is, on monotonous: rice, banana or apple. To start the process of losing weight, switch to a different type of diet. During menstruation, excess fluid is often retained, which leads to the appearance of additional weight up to 2 kg. In this case, wait for the natural resolution of the situation and drink diuretic tea 2-3 days later. A side effect of fasting is rapid weight gain after the end of the diet. To prevent this from happening, do not be tempted by blitz diets, but stick to slow, comprehensive weight loss programs. Forced meals can significantly slow down weight loss. Try to avoid them, otherwise all your work will go down the drain. Many people believe that separate meals can help you lose weight, but in reality, it just improves digestion and overall well-being. Salt-free diets can also provide weight control. This is due to a violation of the squeezing of water from the tissues. So, with a tendency to edema and during PMS, it is recommended to limit the amount of smoked meats and pickles, but not to give them up altogether. Salon procedures for weight loss, as well as vibration and electrical myostimulation, hydromassage, etc. act only on problem areas. But after the body shape improves, the weight stops decreasing. The way out in this case is the transition to active gymnastics and a low-calorie diet. Losing weight also stops when your weight, according to the body, has reached its optimal indicator. The body regards further attempts to lose weight as exhaustion and begins to lay off reserves for a rainy day. Therefore, do not try to deceive nature, genes and your constitutional characteristics. Pumping up muscles in the absence and adequate nutrition leads to fatigue and the return of weight, often to an even higher level. Therefore, engage in moderate but regular exercise: step aerobics, swimming, jogging, walking, etc. Lack of sleep and an imbalance between nutrition and movement can be the reason for slower weight loss.
