Olympic Winter Sports: Short Track Speed Skating

Olympic Winter Sports: Short Track Speed Skating
Olympic Winter Sports: Short Track Speed Skating

Short track - short track. This winter Olympic sport is relatively young. The short track came about because special speed skating stadiums with a track length of 400 meters are very rare, and a regular hockey rink is suitable for these races. At the beginning of the twentieth century, democratic short track skating appeared in North America.

Winter Olympic Sports: Short Track Speed Skating
Winter Olympic Sports: Short Track Speed Skating

The International Skating Union recognized short track speed as a separate sport in 1967, although the competition was not organized until 1976. At the 1988 Calgary Olympics, this type of skating was exemplary, no medals were awarded. From the next Winter Olympic Games, short track speed skating was included in the program. In 1992, 8 sets of awards were played in Vancouver.

Since the 17th White Olympics, the program has included six competitions: individual championship in the 500 and 1000 meters for men and women, the relay for 3000 meters for women and 5000 meters for men. The oval of the skating rink is 111.12 meters. The skater's costume consists of a jumpsuit, a helmet, knee and shin guards, gloves.

4-8 athletes start at the same time. The ice has to be rebuilt after almost every run, as the steps are frequent and aggressive. Falls are very frequent in short track, the speed with which the participants get out of the turn is high and not everyone can cope with it.

During the relay, athletes change each other at any site where they need to, but not in the last two laps. A maximum of five athletes from each team can participate. Athletes can push, thus speeding up their teammates. In the relay, a fallen participant can be changed in the last laps.

The short track rules are very strict, as the race takes place in a close group, where the battle of tactics and skill takes place. You cannot interfere with other athletes, cut the distance, cross the path of a faster competitor, throw your leg far ahead in front of the finish line, push an athlete from your team (except for passing the relay), collude with other skaters. Disqualification threatens for violation. If an athlete is walked a full circle, he is obliged to give way to the overtaker.

Currently, short track speed skates are bypassed in popularity due to their availability.
