How To Choose Earplugs For Swimming

How To Choose Earplugs For Swimming
How To Choose Earplugs For Swimming

Earplugs are earplugs that can be designed for a wide variety of purposes. There are earplugs that protect the ears from the noise, they just need the arrows, and are very useful to people who can not fall asleep if they hear extraneous noise. Earplugs are no less important for swimming, moreover, here they are divided into different types, depending on the scope of application.

How to choose earplugs for swimming
How to choose earplugs for swimming

Types of swimming earplugs

Earplugs are produced in several shapes, which mainly determine the comfort of use. The simplest kind - earplugs-balls. To pull them out, just press lightly on the depression at the back of the ear.

Fungus earplugs are distinguished by a round head and a tail, for which they can be pulled out. This is an option that allows you to better adjust the fit. The most "professional" type of earplugs is the arrows. They have several round discs that sequentially close the auricle, and at the end there is a tail for which the earplugs are pulled out. When choosing the right way to focus on your feelings.

Children's earplugs differ from adults only in size. Do not use adult earplugs for children: this is harmful to the child's auricle.

Selection of swimming earplugs

You should understand what you need earplugs for, so as not to be mistaken with the choice. Swimming earplugs must protect the ear from water ingress. Diving earplugs have additional functionality: they also stabilize the pressure. This is an important point to which pay attention when buying.

Swimming earplugs don't necessarily protect your ears from noise; sometimes you just need to hear what's going on around you.

An important property of swimming earplugs is a tight fit. They must completely protect the ear from water, otherwise there is no point in them. A snug fit means there is quite a lot of pressure on the ear canal. You need to choose an option that will allow you, on the one hand, to feel comfortable, and on the other, it will still fit in your ear quite tightly.

Manufacturers sometimes promise “universal earplugs” that can be used for both swimming and sleeping. Do not trust these advertisements, since low pressure on the ear is required for comfortable sleep, and the right earplugs for swimming, on the contrary, need to fit snugly.

Swimming earplugs can be made of various materials, silicone is considered optimal. It is he, on the one hand, that fits as closely as possible, and on the other, allows you to hear what is happening around. An additional advantage of silicone is that it is soft enough not to be uncomfortable.

Earplugs are disposable and reusable. Reusable ones are cheaper, but disposables are more hygienic. If you buy reusable earbuds, remember to take care of them: they need to be washed regularly.

Do I need ear plugs for swimming?

Some wonder if they need earplugs for swimming. The fact is that the water in the pools is not always perfectly clean; moreover, a lot of chlorine is sometimes added to it. What is the purity of the natural reservoirs - it does matter. Earplugs will help protect your ears from all this.

There is another reason: if you come out of the pool, and there is water in your ears, then there is a risk of blowing them out. You can even get inflammatory diseases, especially during the cold season. In any case, it is better to wear a hat after the pool.
