The owners of a beautiful flat belly are always seen off with admiring and envious glances on the beach. Women dream of the embossed press on the body of their lover, and men dream of the elegantly delineated contours of their only one. So the opportunity to fit into your favorite clothes and feel cheerful and fresh are not all the pleasures that await those who have decided to remove their belly.

Healthy lifestyle
Start the operation to bring your body to perfection with the transition to a healthy lifestyle. Get enough sleep, try not to be nervous, review your diet. Excess fat can accumulate in different places, but the belly is one of the first to be hit.
There is no universal set of products, the use of which would guarantee weight maintenance at the same level. Above all, develop healthy eating habits. Do not try to regain your harmony with the help of haphazard fasting - it can disrupt natural processes in the body and will not bring the desired results. You can gradually remove excess belly fat by eating low-calorie foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and starch-rich foods such as brown rice and whole grain breads. Give up those useful for the tummy, more precisely, for its growth, sweets, chips, soda. Eat only what is good for your health.
Cleansing from toxins
In various recommendations on how to remove a tummy, kefir is often found as a useful product. A glass of this dairy product will not break your diet and will bring a feeling of fullness. But most importantly, kefir cleanses the intestines and the entire body from toxins.
For the same purpose, eat more plant foods. Make yourself a breakfast of, for example, oatmeal and an apple, prepare a salad of vegetables with herbs for lunch, and have a carrot snack in the evening.
For normal bowel function, drink a glass of cool, clean water in the morning. Or take one to two tablespoons of olive oil or flaxseed oil on an empty stomach. You can mix it with half a lemon. The habit of doing this every day will also help you cleanse the liver, normalize its work. Vegetable oils are mainly composed of polyunsaturated fats, which is why they also contribute to weight loss.
If you have not yet decided how to remove the belly, consider all possible methods. For example, if the scale of the problem is large, try turning to the advances in the cosmetics industry. Liposuction is a serious operation, therefore, having decided on it, carefully choose a clinic, contact only professionals. Using this procedure, you can model the contours of the body and remove excess fat, get rid of ugly folds under the breast and around the navel, and remove the deformation in the form of a ball. Of course, liposuction is not affordable for everyone, but it is not the only way to lose weight.
Choose a special modeling agent, it can be a cream, mask, gel, oil - or a whole complex. They, too, will cost money, and besides, by themselves, they cannot flatten the belly. Use them only in conjunction with exercise, diet, massage, and other treatments.
Wrap helps to remove fat from the abdomen. The active components of specially prepared mixtures remove excess fluid from tissues and break down fats. This is a popular service in beauty salons, but wrapping is not that difficult and, in principle, does not require special skills to carry it out. So you can use it to remove the belly at home. Before wrapping, be sure to cleanse your skin, preferably with a scrub. Steam it and only then massage the mass onto the abdomen and waist area. Wrap the problem area with cling film and dress warmly. Better to lie under the covers and wait half an hour or actively move all this time. Then wash it off. The procedure is carried out every two days. The most effective weight loss wrap mixes are with coffee, clay, vinegar and honey.
1. Dilute coffee and clay with boiling water 1: 1 to the consistency of sour cream. Let it brew and cool. Carry out the procedure with this mixture as described above.
2. Dissolve two tablespoons of dry mustard in water, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and salt and keep the mixture in a warm room for 24 hours. Add warm honey in an amount equal to the resulting composition. Apply to belly.
3. Wrap with a cloth soaked in 3 rd vinegar. Add a couple of drops of essential oil if desired. Wrap plastic wrap around the belly and repeat all the same steps.
Body shaping can also be done with the help of hydromassage baths. This service is not uncommon in SPA and beauty salons. The directed action of water jets supplied under pressure will tone the abdominal muscles, break the accumulated lumps of fat, and make the hated Shar Pei folds budge. Massage with water enhances blood circulation, speeds up metabolism, improves skin condition. Basically, it is useful for everyone who can take a bath. But still consult with a specialist before the massage.
Exercises for the abdomen
All of these methods will work in full force when combined with training. Exercise for the abdomen not only removes excess, strengthens the abdominal muscles, but also gives the body a beautiful shape.
Take up any sport you like. Or dancing. Buy an abdominal trainer home. Sign up for a like-minded group or for one-to-one lessons. Gym, cycling, running - there are many options. The main thing is to start.
Training under the guidance of a professional is most effective. But nothing prevents you from doing classes at home.
If you decide to focus on strength training, independently or with the help of a specialist, develop a set of exercises aimed not only at getting rid of the abdomen, but also at strengthening all muscles. Indeed, by focusing on one thing, it will be difficult to be satisfied with the way things are going. In addition, the abdominal muscles are involved in almost all exercises, even those where the movements are performed with the help of other parts of the body. Exercise at a pace that suits you - a slow effort in a well-fixed position is always more effective than a strong jerk.
Here are some popular and effective exercises in which the abdominal muscles are maximized.
1. The first is to lift the body from a prone position. Lie on your back with your hands under your head. Bend your knees and make sure your feet are flat on the floor. Pressing your lower back, tense your abdominal muscles and lift your upper body, while stretching forward. Pay attention that the shoulders are straightened, the elbows are spread out to the sides. The buttocks and feet should not move.
2. Twisting the torso in the prone position - with this exercise, the oblique muscles are actively working. Lying on your back, hands under your head, bend your knees, place the ankle of one on the knee of the other leg. Make sure that the knee of the supporting leg is in line with the corresponding shoulder, and the foot rests on the floor. Raise the arm and shoulder of the supporting leg up and forward and bring them to the centerline of the torso, as if curling around the spine. The other hand should be in contact with the floor at all times.
3. Third - "Bridge". Lying on your back, bend your knees and rest them on the floor. The elbows should be at a 90-degree angle with the lower back slightly arched. Resting your elbows, shoulders and feet on the floor, simultaneously raise your hips and chest - the main movement should be carried out by the pelvis. After a pause, return to the starting position. Try to avoid the main mistakes: separation of the feet, skewed movement due to uncoordinated movement of the hips, unstable position of the knees. In all exercises, exert efforts on exhalation, return to the starting position - on inhalation.
Classes with game consoles
You can remove a small tummy by playing. Literally. Choose a program and set of exercises that are specifically aimed at training the abdominal muscles. Alone or with friends, turn on the game console and move with the characters on the screen.
There are many excuses: "How to remove the stomach if I am already over …" or "Everyone in the family had problems with being overweight, nothing can be done about it …". All this is called in one word - laziness. To remove the abdomen, simply get off the couch and start exercising. Which option you end up with is not important. So what do you prefer - once again to hide your tummy with well-chosen clothes or, after hard work on yourself, demonstrate your ideal body to everyone?