Protein is a protein, that component of our life, without which existence is impossible. The body cannot live without proteins; metabolism will not occur without protein. It doesn't make sense to list any specific protein shake recipes that are the perfect breakfast, snack between meals, or even dinner. But we can say which common foods for us can be used to make a protein shake at home with a high protein content.

Step 1
It's no secret that a lot of protein is found in dairy products - milk and sour cream, as well as in egg white, so these products, as a rule, are taken as a basis in the preparation of protein shakes. But pure egg white does not differ in an exquisite taste, because the yolk gives the same taste to the egg, in which, by the way, there is also a lot of protein and other valuable substances and vitamins. Advice: do not neglect the yolk, do not listen to anyone about its alleged harmfulness, eat boldly.
Step 2
So, to make a protein shake, you can mix milk and eggs, adding fruits or berries. Banana and strawberry are perfect. At worst, you can use cherries or cherries, raisins, which will add a small amount of combined carbohydrates to the cocktail, allowing the protein to be absorbed better and faster (do not forget that natural protein (not powdered) is completely absorbed for a long time). You can add sour cream to milk - it will be nice too. In the above example of a protein shake, fruits and berries can be replaced with fresh herbs: parsley, dill, for connoisseurs of the genre, cauliflower will do. The taste will be original and not bad, with fresh spring aromas, which, in addition to physical benefits, will give you a good mood. In both options, it is recommended to add chopped nuts, which are also high in protein and incredibly healthy and essential Omega-3 fats. None of the dishes can be spoiled with nuts. And do not forget about mint, although here it is already not for everybody.
Step 3
As a basis for protein shakes, together with milk or sour cream, you can use ready-made oatmeal (just porridge, not flakes), adding it in small quantities so that the cocktail is not thick and "drunk" rather than "eaten". Here, as additional additives, it is better to use fruits and berries, a little cocoa powder - such a cocktail will provide you with useful energy and calories for a long time, which go into motion, and not into the body. And this is just a small fraction of non-standard approaches to standard protein shakes and their preparation, which are easily implemented at home using a blender or food processor on your kitchen table.