Every team game, including hockey, is not complete without deceiving and dexterous maneuvers to get around the enemy. Such maneuvers are called feints, and in each game episode one or another feint can effectively help.

Step 1
Stroke. Perform this complex game feint, each time looking at the game situation in a new way. Dodge your opponent with sharp and unpredictable maneuvers, change the way you skate, and also make false swings with your club. Any trick consists of two parts - false and true. Learn to feel the most optimal time interval between these two actions.
Step 2
Power stroke. Perform a short dribble, while taking the most stable body position - bend your knees, spread them shoulder-width apart, tilt your body slightly forward. Impose a power struggle on the enemy, cover the puck with your foot, stick, body. Due to the rational use of body weight, while having an advantage in speed, you can often come out the winner in this struggle.
Step 3
Feint to throw and pass. Take the position as if you are about to make a throw or pass and perform a leisurely swing with the club. Watch the reaction of the opposing team player to this movement, as a rule, it has a positive effect. Then abruptly end the false movement and immediately leave with the puck in the other direction.
Step 4
Feint the torso and head. Move with the puck towards your opponent. When approaching it, perform a natural preparatory movement of the body, head and a club with a puck for showing, which will go, for example, to the right side. This will evoke a response from the enemy to your movements. After the enemy is confused, instantly change direction and go left.
Step 5
Feints with change of direction and speed. Use such feints mainly in order to get away from the guardianship of the enemy. If you have the puck, you move towards the goal, and then the defender of the opposing team comes out on you. Make a false brake (the enemy will react in the same way), and then dash in the original direction.