How much harmony and grace the ballerinas have! Perhaps it is difficult to see a ballerina with ugly legs. Ballet exercises help the legs to get the desired shape without unnecessarily traumatizing them. Constant exercise will make your legs look perfect.

Step 1
Run for 5-7 minutes, almost without lifting your feet from the floor and raising your knees high. Direct your running movement backward, trying to touch your buttocks with your feet.
Step 2
Feel like a ballerina. Connect your heels, stand up straight, straighten your shoulders. Pull in the buttocks and stomach. Breathe calmly. Bend your arms in front of you, relax your hands. Sit down on one leg, pull the other forward. Take it to the side and back, make sure that the toe is parallel to the floor. Your body should remain motionless. Do not straighten your bent leg. Repeat squatting on the other leg. Perform 10-20 times with each leg. At the beginning of the session, do each exercise as many times as you can, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.
Step 3
Sit on your knees. Watch your posture and alternately sit on the left buttock, then on the right. Hands can be slightly bent forward. Repeat the exercise 20-25 times.
Step 4
Sit on the floor, lean back slightly and rest on your elbows. Raise your legs 45 degrees. Alternately and quickly change the upper and lower position of the legs. When done correctly, the abdominal muscles should not strain. The effect of the exercise can be enhanced by spreading your legs to the sides. Don't forget about balance. Do it 30-40 times.
Step 5
Take a supine position. Stretch your arms along the body. Raise your legs perpendicularly upward. Dilute and blend them 15-20 times. The exercise must be done smoothly. It promotes muscle stretching and endurance.
Step 6
Lie on your back, arms spread apart. Perform leg swings. Stretch in the middle and at the end of the exercise. Hug your leg and pull it towards you as much as possible. It is necessary to repeat the exercise 25-30 times with each leg.
Step 7
Sit on the floor with your back straight. Feet should touch each other. Pull out your socks. Bend forward, feel the groin muscles stretch. You can stop several times in the position of the body tilted to the feet. Do it 10 times. Spread your legs. Now, in the same technique, bend to each leg 10 times.
Step 8
Take a position "lying on your side". The elbow should be your support. The legs should be extended. Then swing upward, reaching to the head. You can pull your leg to your head several times, stretching the muscles. Repeat the exercise 25-30 times with each leg.
Step 9
Rest your muscles after exercise. To do this, lie on the floor and relax. Lie like this for 3-5 minutes. Do this complex 3 times a week for 30-40 minutes.