As with many other sports, bodybuilding requires a serious, responsible approach. In order to achieve your goals, you must choose the right training program, and also take into account important additional points.

- - gym membership;
- - an individual training program.
Step 1
Having decided to engage in bodybuilding, first of all, decide what kind of training program you need. If you are a beginner, you need to master the introductory set of exercises, there is no question of any specialization yet. Be sure to do a warm-up - this will prepare your muscles for more serious stress. Push-ups, squats, pull-ups on the bar, pumping the press by lifting and lowering the torso in a prone position - these and other exercises can be part of your warm-up.
Step 2
If you are a beginner, do not strive by all means to perform exercises on all simulators and apparatus present in the gym. Ask your trainer to create a personalized training program for you, taking into account your physiological characteristics and your goals.
Step 3
From the first workouts, follow the technique of performing the exercises, focus on each movement. A training program for beginner bodybuilders involves training muscles, as well as learning the technique of performing exercises. Do not exercise too heavy weights, do not try to work to failure. Your task in the first months of training is to learn the technical side of the exercises and prepare for more serious loads.
Step 4
If you have already passed the preparatory stage, you can choose a basic training program. This complex is not intended for any specific purpose, when you perform it, you will evenly gain mass and train muscles. This program is suitable for athletes with more than six months of experience.
Step 5
Ask your trainer to create a basic training program for you, according to your physiological characteristics. The exercises included in it should be varied, aimed at pumping various parts of the body: muscles of the legs and back, shoulders and chest, arms and press. Most often, basic training includes exercises such as: bench press, French press, vertical press using a block machine, squats with a barbell, deadlift, biceps workout on a Scott bench, barbell row in an incline position, shrugs, etc.
Step 6
To avoid adapting your body to certain loads or for in-depth training of a specific muscle group, periodically make changes to the basic program. Replace exercises with similar ones or add (reduce) the number of exercises for certain muscle groups.
Step 7
When choosing a training program for gaining mass, keep in mind that not only exercise is important here, but also nutrition and recovery. Mass gaining programs are designed for three days of training. While doing the exercises, do not forget to alternate their load and intensity. Make sure that your diet is balanced and contains sufficient protein, fat and carbohydrates. You can choose a special sports nutrition designed specifically for bodybuilders.
Step 8
Start your weight gain workout with basic exercises. Choose a specific complex that takes into account your capabilities and physiological characteristics. Take breaks between sets - at least two to four minutes, depending on the complexity of the exercises being performed. Please note that the weight gain program must change periodically. The main exercises in this training are the barbell squat, deadlift, and bench press. In addition, the program should include: French press, shrugs, pull-ups on the bar, push-ups on the uneven bars, exercises in a Roman chair, etc.
Step 9
If you want to choose a set of exercises to give your muscles relief, keep in mind that such workouts should include a large number of repetitions. This high-intensity training will help you burn more calories. Combine strength training with aerobic, for example, three days a week you can do strength training, two days aerobic (running, not exercising on a stationary bike, walking).
Step 10
Having picked up an individual set of relief workouts, do not forget that the pause between sets should be minimal. This program must include exercises such as: bench press, French press, deadlift, pull-ups, exercises in a Roman chair, squats with a bar, etc. Be sure to monitor your diet, it should contain a sufficient amount of protein, but fats should, on the contrary, be limited.