Project "Crazy Drying": Reviews, Training Program

Project "Crazy Drying": Reviews, Training Program
Project "Crazy Drying": Reviews, Training Program

Crazy Drying is an Internet project that was created by Vasily Smolny four years ago. During its existence, an immense number of seasons have passed, in which there are already about 230 thousand participants.

Project "Crazy Drying": reviews, training program
Project "Crazy Drying": reviews, training program

What is "drying" and why is it needed?


This concept comes from bodybuilding terminology.

Drying the body is a concept that, unfortunately, is often confused with losing weight. In fact, this is not the case, because drying the body, while preserving the muscles, allows you to remove the layer of unnecessary fat through a balanced diet and training.

This technique comes with a rigorous discipline in having regular exercise and choosing the right foods. Previously, many professionals alternated between drying the body and gaining weight. Arnold Schwarzenegger, an American bodybuilder, is one of the first on the list to oppose the aforementioned ill-fated alternation.


The basic rules for drying the body lie in:

  • creating a calorie deficit in the body. In other words, the number of calories expended must exceed the amount consumed. This is due to the fact that the body begins to use the fat accumulated in the body to regulate life processes;
  • the correct selection of consumed foods that can increase the processes of generation and release of heat by the body or provide saturation, but at the same time have a small amount of kilocalories;
  • taking vitamins and minerals, since during times of caloric deficiency, the body is actively deficient in the intake of important nutrients. In this case, an excellent and optimal solution to the problem is precisely the intake of high-quality multivitamins;
  • increasing protein to prevent muscle breakdown. It should be noted that the minimum protein dose is 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight;
  • strict regular adherence to the training program.

What is the meaning of Frenzied Drying?


The meaning of this healthy lifestyle game is as follows: in just 30 days, which is more than enough to start, the participant brings his body into good shape by losing weight and building muscles through physical tasks from the official application.

After paying for a suitable package on the official website, the game participant gets access to a personal account, where for five weeks he will perform tasks, a detailed technical analysis of which, by the way, is also available.

The motto of the project can, so to speak, be summarized in two words # start today. To become a member, you need to choose a suitable package and pay for it. This is followed by a program that consists of extreme, sometimes crazy, warm-ups lasting 30-40 minutes, and proper nutrition for one month.

Life path of the project leader - Vasily Smolny


The story of the biography of Vasily Smolny, the current model of leading a correct lifestyle in combination with appropriate nutrition, should begin with his birth on February 13, 1986 in Tajikistan. The boy's youth passed in Orenburg, then he temporarily lived in Samara, then left for St. Petersburg, following the example of his beloved Julia.

Since 2002 he has worked as a DJ in various clubs. After a while, he began to release his own music, tour, lead a project on the Europe Plus radio station.

At a certain point in time, Vasily had a turning point when he decided to bring cardinal changes into his life, in which there were bad habits. Since then, Smolny has been running his own blog, periodically organizing free marathons, helping everyone to find a beautiful body and become an adherent of a healthy lifestyle, achieving greater results each time.

What is the cost of taking part in the 24th season of the main healthy lifestyle game "Crazy Drying"?

Season 24 of this fitness game starts on March 18 and will last for five weeks. To take part, it is enough to pay for one of the participant's packages. There are currently five packages, namely:

  • Participant package. At the moment, a discount of 500 rubles applies to it, and therefore its cost is 3000 rubles. This starter pack is enough to lose weight and take part in the raffle of cool prizes.
  • "Tricky" package. At the moment, this offer is also subject to a discount of 500 rubles, and therefore its price is 4000 rubles. As in the previous package, after a season of hard training and proper balanced nutrition, you can lose weight and take part in the drawing of cool prizes. The highlight of the proposal is the provision of one immunity from departure from the project. In fact, if you do not complete the weekly task once, complete it in an unspecified time frame, do not provide a report, perform the exercises from the task technically incorrectly or show the weakest result among the participants, then thanks to the above bonus of this package, you will remain in the game.
  • Family package. Its cost is 6,000 rubles. This offer is perfect for a man and a woman in love who both want to get the figure of their dreams and, possibly, get a cool prize when taking part in the drawing.
  • Gang package. Its cost is 12,000 rubles. This offer is perfect for a group of four people who decide to take part in a fitness game, bring their figure to a more perfect form and compete for cool prizes. The offer is relevant due to the provision of a total savings of two thousand rubles.
  • Major package. Its cost is 10,000 rubles. The offer includes not only getting a dream figure and the opportunity to win cool prizes, but also immunities, which provide protection for absolutely all weekly tasks that threaten to leave the project. In fact, by paying for this package, you can completely relax without worrying about the timing of the assignment and the report, improper execution technique, weak own results in the ranking, as this will not contribute to your expulsion. Mostly, according to Vasily Smolny himself, the above package is purchased by competitors who are trying to achieve success in the niche of selling various kinds of fitness products. And, indeed, given the immunities for all flights, the participant can simply lose motivation to achieve the goal, dangle his legs and do nothing.

Feedback on the project "Crazy Drying"


On the Internet, there are both positive and negative opinions about this fitness game, the rigidity of the program, and winning prizes.

In fact, you need to initially decide on what you need participation for, whether there is enough motivation. You can come up with various kinds of excuses in order to evade completing the tasks provided, but there is a certain system of rules on the project that requires the participant to perform acceptable. Here it does not matter at all whether you are a man or a woman, since the load will be the same; Do you have a busy schedule of work, since each motivated participant, if desired, can devote 30-40 minutes a day to himself; Do you have critical days during the program because menstruation is not a good reason for not doing the class.

In this situation, even if you die of pain and feel sorry for yourself during the program, you must continue to train and achieve the required results, because the winner will receive the main prize, namely one million rubles.
