People start going to the gym for a variety of reasons. But the mistakes beginners make on their first training days are almost always the same. It is necessary to consider the basic principles of proper muscle work.

Regardless of your goal, for the first 1 - 2 months, plan 3 workouts per week for 1 - 1, 5 hours.
One of the most common mistakes is being overly enthusiastic during your first workouts. A person begins to do many exercises on various simulators, while trying not to miss anything, and as a result, gets overtrained and overworked, which leads to refusal of further training. Take your time and do not train according to the principle: the more the better.
The workout should contain three parts: the warm-up, the main part, and the relaxation exercises. Warm-up is needed in order to activate the work of various body systems, as well as to warm up the muscles that are loaded in the main part of the workout. Often due to ignoring the warm-up, problems occur for beginners (injuries, discomfort, etc.). The warm-up should last 10-15 minutes.
The main training part is designed to perform exercises for specific muscle groups. The number of exercises, sets and reps depends on the individually set goals.
The third part of the workout aims to normalize breathing and blood circulation. You can make several deep breaths, perform an exercise to stretch the spine, hanging on the bar.
There are two types of exercise equipment in gyms: strength equipment and cardiovascular equipment. Cardio simulators (exercise bike, treadmill, rowing machine) produce a general load on the body. In the process of training, large muscle groups, cardiovascular and respiratory systems are worked out on them. They are ideal for those looking to lose weight. In addition, cardiovascular equipment is used to warm up.
Strength machines are used to work out muscles with the help of various weights. The most common strength machines include the barbell and dumbbells. Before starting classes, you need to draw up a weekly training plan. Decide on which day of the week you will train a specific muscle group.
For each muscle group, it is best to plan two to three exercises first. For example, a squat with a barbell over the shoulders is suitable for the legs. Train your pectoral muscles with a bench press lying on a horizontal bench. Make sure someone backs you up.