Bicycle Evolution

Bicycle Evolution
Bicycle Evolution

World Cycling Day is celebrated on 3 May. Today it is a common, affordable and environmentally friendly vehicle. Where did this two-wheeled vehicle come from and who invented it?

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Bicycles used to be different from the ones we are used to today. The first prototype of a bicycle can be considered a four-wheeled invention of the Italian Giovanni Fontana. However, this vehicle did not become popular. The following information about bicycles was recorded only 400 years later. The shortage of horses made it back to the idea of inventing a new vehicle.

In 1813, Karl von Drez introduced a four-wheeled device called the "running machine." He presented the modified invention after 5 years. It has already become more of a prototype for a modern bicycle: two wheels, a wooden frame, a handlebar and a leather saddle. The vehicle weighed 23 kilograms. Unlike modern ones, the bicycle of that time did not have pedals, which made it look more like today's "balance bike".

Since the invention of Karl von Dreis, the bicycle has undergone many changes. So, in the 60s of the 19th century, the wheels became steel, pedals appeared. However, the bike was declared unsafe, as there was no braking system. The very name "bicycle" was invented by the inventor from France Joseph Nilsefort. The bike received pedals in the early 1940s. The Scottish blacksmith Kirkpatrick Macmillan supplied the invention with them. The result is a vehicle that looks like a modern bicycle. However, it differed in the riding process - the bicycle pedals had to be pushed.

In 1845, British engineer Thompson developed and received a patent for an inflatable tire for wheels, and after 7 years, a French inventor put pedals on the front wheel of a vehicle that had to be turned. A bicycle, similar to the modern one, was created by the master in 1863. The mass production of this vehicle was jointly launched by the Olivier brothers, who were industrialists and engineer Pierre Michaud. It was the latter who invented to replace the wooden frame with a metal one.

It is believed that the very name "bicycle" was given to the vehicle by an engineer. In 1969, in order to attract the population to the invention, it was decided to arrange bicycle races on the roads of France. It was pointed out that the control of the structure is available with the "strength of an elephant and the agility of a monkey." Over time, the vehicle was improved, it began to be made mainly of metal, dense rubber was put on the wheels, frames and hollow forks were made of tubes.

In 1879, the English inventor Hillman began selling all-metal bicycles with tall wheels. The size of the front wheel was twice the size of the rear. These bicycles were called "penny-farthing". They were unsafe, so over time, the invention began to be made with the same wheels of not very large diameter.

In 1884, John Kemp, an inventor from England, created a new model of the bicycle, which he called the "rover" (translated as "vagabond", "wanderer"). Interestingly, the inventor later created the Pover Company, which grew into a giant automobile concern. The new model of the bicycle found a chain transmission on the rear wheel, the cyclist began to sit between wheels that were equal in diameter. In the future, the rovers began to improve.

In 1888, inflatable tires made from rubber appeared, in 1898 - brake pedals. By the early 20th century, bicycles had a gearshift mechanism. Finally, in 1950, thanks to the Italian cyclist Tullio Campagnolo, a modern mechanism appeared.

In the 21st century, bicycles have become very popular. Cycling is developing in cities, and more and more people are joining it. It is difficult to imagine that the bicycle was previously considered an inconvenient and dangerous means of transportation.
