What is a feint? This is a series of fake movements with the torso and, of course, the legs. These moves are used by the players in possession of the ball to outwit the opposing player. Feints can be done in different ways, it all depends on your imagination. Here are some examples:

Step 1
The player is dribbling. When an opponent is about to attack in order to gain possession of the ball, the dribbler first tilts his body to the side and swings his leg in the same direction so that the attacker gets the impression that they will go there. And as soon as the second “bites” on these deceptive movements, the first can only go in the other direction with the ball. This must be done quickly so as not to give the opponent any chance of tackling the ball.
Step 2
Another feint - the attacker receives the ball, stopping it with the sole of his foot. Not far from him stands a defender of the opposing team and is about to run to take the ball. When both players get close, the ball carrier fakes to the left, but in reality he only sweeps his leg over the ball. If the defender lunges towards a false swing, the attacker has a little time to rush forward and get around the opponent.
Step 3
All footballs bring their favorite feints to automatism, improving them and turning them into their "calling card". For example, the Brazilian Garrincha tilted his torso to the left and pretended to go to the goal diagonally. But in fact, he quickly broke through the edge and left the opponent behind when he tried to take the ball away. And Mikhail Meskhi, who played for Dinamo Tbilisi, ran past the ball and then caught it with his leg behind the ball. He then pushed the ball past the front foot and the opponent's defender, leaving him confused.