Modern hockey is unthinkable without tech-savvy players who can dribble with the puck. However, to master this skill, you need to thoroughly study the theory and practice as often as possible in training and in official games.

Step 1
Learn the simple stroke technique. This is a versatile hockey trick that can be performed every time, regardless of the situation on the ice. Once you get the puck, pick up speed in front of your opponent and turn sharply in the other direction. Do it so quickly that he can't even react. Use a fake club swing. Learn to anticipate the direction of your opponent's movement and take advantage of this moment.
Step 2
Apply a power stroke as well. Get the puck from your partner. Bend your legs at the ankle, place them shoulder-width apart and tilt your torso slightly forward. As soon as an opponent has ridden on you, impose a power struggle on him, covering the puck with a skate, body and a club. Try to push him back and forward the puck to yourself or pass to your teammate. If you use the advantage in strength and speed, then you will be able to perform this feint.
Step 3
Perform pass dribbling and throwing. When you receive the puck, fake swing with the club as if you would like to pass or flick (throw). Watch carefully for the reaction of the opposing player. As soon as you saw that he changed the direction of his movement, immediately go in the opposite direction, leading the puck next to him.
Step 4
Also practice the head and torso feint. This is also a very effective element that confuses the opponent. Move towards your opponent with a puck. When you begin to approach him, show a preparatory movement with your head and body, as if you want to go to the left. You will see that the opponent will start driving in the same direction. Then change the direction of travel as quickly as possible and go to the right.
Step 5
Also do dribbling with changes in speed and direction. This trick works effectively if you need to get away from the opponent's pressure. Imagine that you are traveling at full speed towards the goal, and suddenly a defender of the opposing club comes out on you. Brake as hard as possible, and then simply dash in the original direction.