How To Relieve The Spine

How To Relieve The Spine
How To Relieve The Spine

Back pain and discomfort can haunt even very young people. The causes of such problems are a sedentary lifestyle, injuries and long periods of being in the wrong position. The spine needs to be unloaded several times during the day to avoid the occurrence of serious illnesses.

How to relieve the spine
How to relieve the spine

When there is not enough physical activity, the muscles in the back weaken and can no longer support the spine sufficiently. Doctors recommend walking every day, as this is the best gymnastics for the joints. You need to walk at least five kilometers a day. To do this, you can get off the transport two stops earlier. But there are two important conditions - you need to walk briskly and lightly. A heavy load will only do harm, loading the spine even more.

Organize your workplace correctly if you spend a lot of time at the table. Your position: back support, elbows on armrests, feet on a stand or floor. Position the monitor screen straight in front of you, slightly below eye level. Take mandatory breaks. Ideal is when you work for 45 minutes and rest for 10 minutes. During the "break" you need to get up, walk a little and warm up.

Excessive physical activity further damages the spine. Active sports for serious back problems are undesirable. Swimming is an exception, as water helps relieve stress from the spine and trains virtually every muscle in the body. You need to practice in the pool regularly, at least once a week, only in this case there will be a result.

You need to rest in comfort. Choose a mattress of moderate firmness, since the physiological curves of the spine need support. Surfaces that are too soft or hard will deform these natural curves. It is advisable to use orthopedic pillows and mattresses that are tailored to your height and weight.

In case of problems with the spine, it is recommended to drink mineral water with silicon salts. This substance is contained in "Novoterskaya" water and in "Essentuki No. 17". Silicon contributes to joint flexibility and mobility. You can purchase a vitamin and mineral complex with the desired ingredient in its composition.
