How To Gain Weight Quickly

How To Gain Weight Quickly
How To Gain Weight Quickly

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You can quickly gain body weight with increased nutrition and regular exercise. To achieve good results, you should increase your protein intake and go to the gym at least twice a week.

How to gain weight quickly
How to gain weight quickly


Step 1

You can quickly gain weight with the help of exercises in the gym and enhanced nutrition. Increase the number of meals. Eat at least 4-5 times a day. Professional bodybuilders eat about 7-8 times to maintain their shape. Each meal should contain 50-60% carbohydrates (preferably "slow"), 30-35% protein and only 10-20% fat.

Step 2

Eat plenty of protein, because it is he who is involved in the growth and development of muscles. To do this, eat the following foods: pork, chicken, legumes, mushrooms, egg powder (it contains almost three times more protein than boiled eggs), nuts. But put special emphasis on two products: hard cheeses and eggs (including quail). The protein contained in them is easily absorbed by the body. This means that these foods are best for gaining body weight. Introduce at least 6 eggs and 200 grams of cheese into your daily diet. Of course, these foods should be complementary to your regular diet.

Step 3

Work out in the gym 2-3 times a week. The body must not only receive the load, but also recover from it. Therefore, it is not recommended to train daily. The time for classes should be 1-1, 5 hours, including 2 warm-ups on aerobic machines.

Step 4

Consider the intensity of the session as well. Work with the maximum weight you can handle. The time between sets should be 60-90 seconds. The maximum effect can be achieved with a high intensity of exercise. Weight gain depends on how heavily the muscles were loaded during the training period, and on how well they rest during the recovery period.

Step 5

Include basic exercises that use a lot of muscles in your program. This is the bench press, squat, deadlift. Conduct all classes with maximum weights, be sure to use barbells and dumbbells.

Step 6

You should not spend too much time on simulators, because they only give the muscles relief, and do not help to increase body weight. Exercise more with free weights, only this will help you quickly achieve results.
