The deadlift is one of the basic exercises in bodybuilding. It allows you to effectively work out several muscle groups, and also develops general endurance. There are various options for doing this exercise.

Step 1
The deadlift consists of several steps that involve different muscles. The muscles of the lower extremities and back receive the most basic load. This is a hard exercise with a tricky technique, which is why beginners don't like it very much. Meanwhile, the deadlift helps to achieve significant gains in muscle mass in a relatively short time. It is necessary to perform the exercise after a preliminary warm-up, strictly according to the instructions, preferably under the supervision of a professional. If you have had an injury to your lower back or spine, deadlifts are not allowed for you. If you have a weak and unworked back, strengthen it with simpler exercises first. The deadlift is too heavy.
Step 2
Spread your legs already shoulder-width apart, you can keep them together. Roll the barbell close to your feet. Do a deep squat, filling your lungs with air. The press is tense. Grasp the bar with your palms about shoulder-width apart. Straighten your shoulders in front of the deadlift, your back is straight and by no means round. The head is in line with the spine, does not bend anywhere. Begin to straighten out of the squat, and from that moment on, a huge amount of muscles are included in the work. The bar slides along the shins.
Step 3
When lifting from a squat, the gluteus maximus muscles are actively working, extending the hip joints. The knee joints are extended with the biceps of the thighs, they are helped by the lateral vastus muscles of the front of the thigh. The semi-membranous muscles in the back of the thigh also help in straightening the knees. The latissimus and large circular muscles of the back provide the adduction of the arms to the body when lifting. The upper section of the trapezius muscles of the shoulders is involved in the stabilization of the head and shoulder girdle, the middle section - in the rotation of the shoulder blades. The rhomboid muscles help the trapezius in performing their tasks. Spine straighteners help to bring the torso into an upright position. Throughout the exercise, the abdominal muscles remain tense.
Step 4
Thus, the deadlift comprehensively works the muscles of a person. If you break it down into separate exercises, you get this: leg press, back extension, leg curl, torso twisting, wrist curls, toe raises, straight-arm pulls, shrugs. There are variations of the deadlift, while the technique of execution is somewhat changed. These changes allow you to shift the focus to the muscles of the buttocks. There is even an option that includes the work of the muscles of the inner thigh.