How To Pump Up The Abs Effectively

How To Pump Up The Abs Effectively
How To Pump Up The Abs Effectively

Table of contents:


For effective pumping of the press, it is necessary to perform exercises for all major abdominal muscles: internal transverse, external longitudinal, intercostal and oblique. For women, the relief is not very relevant, therefore, it is enough for them to deal only with the weight of their own body. For those who want to get bulky, relief muscles, you need to use additional weight. In any case, for visible abdominal muscles, you need to reduce the fat layer on the abdomen.

How to pump up the abs effectively
How to pump up the abs effectively


Step 1

First, you need to understand the "areas of responsibility" of muscles and the specifics of their work. For efficiency, it is necessary to understand which muscle is most loaded during the exercise and mentally control it.

Step 2

Keep in mind that with any abdominal exercise, you must first warm up this area of the body. Lean forward and make horizontal turns with your torso to the right and to the left. Repeat 10 times in each direction.

Step 3

For the fair sex, who do not have any special problems with the figure and only want to maintain a slender silhouette and elastic stomach, it is enough to perform static exercises. For example, sit on the floor and lift your upper body and legs slightly to create a corner. Sit in this position for as long as you can stand. Note that the lower the position of the torso and legs, the more difficult it is to sit. Another option in statics is to lie on the floor with your stomach down, then rise on your toes and focus on your elbows, the whole body hangs above the floor in one line. Again, stay as long as you can.

Step 4

To strengthen your transverse and longitudinal muscles, do upper body and pelvic lifting exercises. Upper half: lie on the floor, bend your knees, feet on the floor; hands behind your head, stretch your chin up and raise your shoulders. For a "longer" pumping, from the same starting position, lift your torso up completely, trying to touch your knees with your head.

Step 5

To work out the lower press: from a prone position, raise your legs up (straight or bent) and lift your pelvis on the floor, as if twisting it towards the head. Perform all movements without jerking, smoothly, you need to feel how the muscle is gradually contracting. The internal transverse muscle serves as a corset for the internal organs and gives the base to the shape of the abdomen. External longitudinal - also supports internal organs, is the external "support" of the abdomen during pregnancy and the main relief element.

Step 6

The intercostal muscles work when the trunk is tilted to the sides. To pump them, perform tilts to the right and left with light weight (dumbbell or pancake from the bar). Lean alternately in different directions, or 15-20 times in each.

Step 7

The oblique muscles are responsible for pivoting movements. To work these muscles, lift the upper body from a prone position on the floor while simultaneously turning to the right and left (alternately).
