If you want to be said about you - "Eh, a slanting fathom in the shoulders!", Then start working. It will be hard to work in order to build up your shoulders. However, each muscle group requires a special attitude, approach and training method.

If you are serious about this business, then there are a couple of recommendations on how to build up your shoulders at home using a horizontal bar and dumbbells. Keep in mind that every organism and every body perceives physical activity differently. Some gain muscle mass, others go into the vein. There are a number of people who are simply physically unable to build impressive muscles. However, this does not mean that the system is ineffective.
Start with a horizontal bar. First, grip from yourself, chin above the horizontal bar. Adjust the number of lifts and approaches depending on the original form. Try to increase the amount of exercise with each workout. Then the grip to yourself, the movements are faster and more rhythmic. To finish a lesson on a horizontal bar, you need a complex exercise for the back muscles. To do this, grab the crossbar with all your five fingers, spread your arms 1.5 meters apart. Now start doing lifts, bringing your head out with the back of your head to the horizontal bar. This exercise is complicated in two ways. First, to increase your weight - put a backpack on your shoulders, and put a dumbbell in it. Second, spread your arms wider.
After warming up on the horizontal bar, grab the dumbbells. There are not so many back exercises, the main thing is persistence and regularity.
First exercise. Sit on a chair with your back straight. Take dumbbells in both hands. Raise your arms with dumbbells up, and then spread them to the sides and bend at the elbows.
Second exercise. Stand up straight, you can near the wall. Take dumbbells in both hands. Take turns lifting the dumbbells, extending your arm straight in front of you.
Third exercise. Stand up straight, take dumbbells in your hands. Begin to raise both hands at the same time, spreading them to the sides.
This simple set of exercises will help you achieve tangible results. And when you achieve it, you will definitely want more.