The most common complex in women is a decrease in self-esteem due to a sagging or large belly. And there is nothing surprising here. In the modern world, he often focuses on a tight and elastic tummy, which looks sexy and gives grace and grace to its owner.

Step 1
Without physical exertion, a flat stomach is promised to us by manufacturers of various devices, as well as owners of massage rooms and spa centers. You can use their services, but the cost of such pleasure can overshadow the pleasure of having a flat stomach.
Step 2
To remove excess skin from the abdomen, you need to apply physical activity. But here too there will be tricks. You can do a press exercise every day, constantly increasing the load, but the stomach will still remain flabby. The reason is that your beautiful abs are simply hidden under a layer of fat. And in order to get a flat tummy, you need to achieve two goals: as much as possible to reduce the fat layer in the abdominal cavity and to pump the abdominal muscles.
Step 3
All exercises must be done in the morning, on an empty stomach, then they will be as effective as possible.
Step 4
Let's proceed directly to the exercises.
Take a prone position, bend your knees and tear your socks off the floor, put your hands behind your head. As you exhale, lift your upper body so that the shoulder blades are off the floor by just a couple of centimeters. As you inhale, return to the starting position.
Step 5
Take a lying position, put your hands behind your head, bend your legs at the knees, bend your feet with an iron. As you exhale, unbend your legs and move them away from you, while making sure that they remain parallel to the floor. As you inhale, return to the starting position.
Step 6
Take the position as in the previous two exercises. As you exhale, stretch your right elbow to your left knee, as you exhale, return to the starting position. Next with the left elbow to the right knee. When performing this exercise, make sure that the twisting is performed only with the effort of the abdomen.
Step 7
Doing these exercises 20-25 times every day, you will soon get the flat tummy you want. Good luck!