A graceful slender figure is the object of dreams of many women, and what to hide, it is a woman with a thin waist that most men dream about. One of the simplest, at the same time, reliable way, is the rotation of the hoop. This method allows you to cope with extra centimeters at the waist, remove the sides and give the figure a sophisticated silhouette.

It is necessary
hoop (one or more)
Step 1
Choose a hoop that best suits you. It should not be too heavy so as not to harm the internal organs during intense training. You can choose the so-called massage hoop - these are hoops that have massage balls or small thorns in their design, which not only have the most effective effect on the muscles, burning excess fat, but also improve the blood supply to the pelvic organs, which has a beneficial effect on women Health.
Step 2
Warm up. Before proceeding with the rotation of the hoop, it is necessary to warm up all the muscles and stretch in different directions. This contributes to the most effective results during training. And in order to better use the abdominal muscles, it is better to do breathing exercises (a few minutes are enough).
Step 3
Move your stomach clockwise, while you need to adhere to a small amplitude. It is important that the pelvis and chest remain stationary, the main emphasis must be placed directly on the rotational movements of the abdomen. Legs should be as close to each other as possible, the ideal position would be: "Legs together", in this position, fat is most effectively burned on the sides.
Step 4
Exercise smoothly (without sharp jerks, so you can avoid unwanted and incorrect loads on the back).
Step 5
on an empty stomach and directly on the stomach, without clothes. At first, bruises will certainly appear, but you should not wait until they pass, otherwise this process will become endless, it is important to continue your studies.
Step 6
Use multiple hoops at the same time. However, during classes, you need to make sure that they rotate together, and not each along its own trajectory.