In 1994, the Winter Olympics were held in the Norwegian city of Lillehammer. It was a good choice in terms of climate, as there is enough snow in this region, but at the same time, the air temperature is comfortable for the competition.

Teams from 67 countries took part in the 1994 games. For the first time, a separate team from the Russian Federation competed at this Olympiad. Before that, the national team of the Soviet Union played at the games or, after its collapse, the United Team. Also, independent teams from Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Kazakhstan appeared at the Olympics. Czechoslovakia was divided into two states, and now athletes from the Czech Republic and from Slovakia participated in the games. Yugoslavia was in a state of civil war, but one of the newly independent states - Bosnia and Herzegovina - was able to send its athletes.
For the first time, some southern countries such as Israel, American Samoa and Trinidad and Tobago took part in the Winter Games.
As a result of the selection of athletes in preliminary competitions, the USA team became the most numerous. She was slightly inferior to the national teams of Russia and Germany.
The first place in the medal standings went to Russia. A significant part of the team was made up of athletes who had already made a name for themselves in Soviet sports. Traditionally, Russian biathletes performed well. In figure skating, Russian athletes received three out of four possible gold medals. A team of skiers and several skaters received gold. But the hockey team disappointed the fans, not getting into the prize-winners.
The second place was taken by the host of the competition - Norway. The largest number of medals was brought by skiers and skaters of this country, including the famous Bjorn Dalen.
The third place went to Germany. The best results were shown by German skiers and sledges. Also, 2 medals were received by athletes for jumping from a springboard.
Team USA finished in fifth place. She has traditionally shown herself to be weaker in winter sports than in summer.