Often people are looking for some peculiarities and secrets, where they do not exist in principle. If you are a girl, then first of all you need to understand that the structure of muscle and fat in your body is exactly the same as that of men.

Often, fashionable fitness centers recommend some special complexes for women. As a rule, in these complexes, an increased number of repetitions are used. Trainers tell you what you want to hear: they say this strategy will help you get rid of excess fat and shape your muscles without pumping them too hard. Any woman will very easily believe in such a thing, because it corresponds to her desires. But this is not entirely true, unfortunately.
First of all, what is muscle shape? Someone has a round butt, while someone else has a flat, - many will say. Everything is simple here. However, unfortunately, I will have to upset you: the shape of the muscles is a genetic factor (laid down from birth to death) and it is impossible to change it with training! But you can increase the size of the muscles and make them look more "shaped". For example, you have gluteal muscles or abdominal muscles, but since you have never used them, they are very undeveloped (small). With the help of exercises, you can pump up (increase in size) the abdominal muscles so that they are visible and the gluteal muscles, so that your butt takes on a rounded, elastic shape. Do you understand? Your goal requires the use of the same techniques and solutions as male goals - you need to increase muscle size. This is "shaping" in the philistine sense.
So, to achieve the goal, you can use effective or decorative methods. In fitness centers, more often than not, they pull money out of you by selling beautiful, but ineffective decorations. If you want results, remember that you need the same muscle development methods that men use.
“Oh my God, I don’t want to become as healthy as a man!” Some girl exclaims. I hasten to reassure you: this is not possible due to the same genetic factors. You do not have enough male sex hormones to build muscle in the same way as men, unless you are taking anabolic steroids. (and I hope you don't use them). In fact, women's muscles are very, very difficult to increase because of this. And that's why you should train even harder than men, instead of lightening the load.
It turns out the following: muscles grow much more difficult and slower (read: the shape is very difficult to recruit) than in men. On the other hand, you train these muscles in a very light mode. Therefore, among women, a much smaller percentage of applicants achieve success in shaping their figure than among men. In short, the basic physiology is the same for both boys and girls. That is, if you want to develop muscles, you will need to train fast and slow muscle fibers. For the first, hard strength work is needed (6-12 repetitions to failure within 15-30 seconds), and for the second, trisets are needed before burning for 30-50 seconds. And if you just take a very light weight and do 50-100-150 reps; then there will be no increase in your muscles in size! And the shape of your muscles will not improve! You are faced with a choice of two options - you can do what is right (and succeed), or you can do what is more convenient for you (and mark time without getting any result), there is no third.