Choosing A Bike: Which One Is Better To Choose

Choosing A Bike: Which One Is Better To Choose
Choosing A Bike: Which One Is Better To Choose

The bicycle is truly a popular means of transportation. Almost everyone, young and old, knows how to ride it. But when purchasing it, many people have a reasonable question - which bike is better to choose?

Choosing a bike: which one is better to choose
Choosing a bike: which one is better to choose

How to choose the right bike

You need to choose a bike taking into account the age, height, gender of the future owner, as well as the expected operating conditions. Depending on the purpose, bicycles can be divided into categories:

  • mountain bikes - for off-road riding;
  • city or road bicycles - for short trips on asphalt roads;
  • road bikes designed for high-speed long-distance riding on a flat road;
  • touring bicycles, combining the best of road and mountain bikes;
  • BMX bikes are for extreme lovers.

Which bike is better to choose

Which bike to choose for riding in the mountains, along forest paths, old broken asphalt roads, rough terrain? It must be a mountain bike. It is distinguished by a reduced wheel diameter, which significantly increases the vehicle's cross-country ability. The width of the rubber, on the other hand, differs from the usual size in a larger direction. These wheel parameters are mandatory for mountain bikes.

For traveling long distances, with a breeze, on a flat road, you should choose a bike of the "road" category. This bike has narrow tires, large wheels and low weight. These characteristics allow you to develop high speed on a flat road. The bike frame is made of carbon fiber - a lightweight and durable material, hence the low weight of the entire bike. A road bike often does not have a rack mount, so you will have to get a bag or backpack before the trip.

It is more convenient to ride a city bike on paved streets where frequent stops are possible. Uncomplicated construction, budget price makes this bike very attractive. It is produced in two modifications, depending on the type of frame - for men and women. The city bike is not suitable for cross-country riding or jumping over obstacles. You can ride it with feeling, sensibly, with an arrangement.

For a long trip, it is better to choose a touring bike. It is reliable, though not very maneuverable. On a road with good coverage, it develops a decent speed, but it can conquer off-road with ease. The sturdy aluminum frame allows the rack to be attached, which is very important for the tourist. The steering wheel can be straight or bent. Despite the high cost, touring bikes are in demand, especially the foldable model.

The choice of bike for extreme riding needs to be done depending on the riding style (downhill, trial, BMX, street, etc.). These bicycles have excellent maneuverability and the highest reliability. Strong, thick-walled frame, low geometry, thick tires provide maximum safety while performing stunts.
