In modern times, there are various ball games: basketball, volleyball, football and others. The rules may be different, but the essence is the same for all - the fight for a goal. These sports are quite famous. For example, there are a myriad of football or basketball fans. There is another sport that can attract the attention of a spectator interested in team ball competitions. This is handball.

The etymology of the word "handball" is simple. So, hand is translated from English as a hand, and ball is a ball. Accordingly, handball is played with the ball. The difference between handball and netball is that in the first form, a goal is provided, not a ring. Handball is also called a "handball" game.
Whereas football or beach volleyball matches can be played outdoors, handball may only be played indoors. The area for this kind of sport has its own size 40 by 20 meters. The ball weighing 425-480 g is used by men, but the weight of the projectile for women is 325-380 grams. The game includes two halves, each with 30 minutes. Break between halves 10 minutes.
The goal of the sports game is to throw the ball into the opponent's goal. You cannot approach the goal closer than six meters and throw it, otherwise the goal will not be counted. Field players play the ball with their hands. The team with the most goals will win. The team goalkeeper may defend the goal with any part of his body.
If there is a tie in the match after two halves have expired, two additional overtime of 5 minutes will be assigned. In case of an equal score, one more half is appointed, and if after it there is a draw on the scoreboard, then a series of free throws will be assigned and both teams will make 5 shots to the opponent's goal from the seven-meter mark.
In modern times, there are professional handball leagues. Serious major tournaments in this sport are held. Such as the World and European Championships.
This sport is played by both men and women. Handball is part of the Summer Olympics program.