How To Pump Up Breasts Without A Barbell

How To Pump Up Breasts Without A Barbell
How To Pump Up Breasts Without A Barbell

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Not all men can boast of having free time to visit the gym, where you can achieve perfect chest muscles. But you shouldn't wave your hand at yourself. You can pump up your chest muscles without a barbell. It is enough to have the will and a great desire to catch admiring female glances on oneself.

How to pump up breasts without a barbell
How to pump up breasts without a barbell


Step 1

You can achieve the desired results in various ways, with the help of certain exercises. The most important thing is to consider the number of repetitions and approaches. Ideally, this is up to 4 sets and 7 to 10 reps.

Step 2

The most effective exercises at home are various types of push-ups and dumbbell exercises.

Step 3

A regular push-up to warm up the muscles.

Hands on the floor are slightly wider than shoulders. Legs closed together rest against the floor with socks. The back is absolutely straight. Smoothly lower and rise sharply. Try to do up to 25 reps and 2-3 sets.

Step 4

Legs are higher than the head.

The arms are also wider than the shoulders to the floor. Feet on a surface (for example, on a chair). Do push-ups, keeping an eye on the body. It should be straightforward. By doing 4 sets of 10-20 reps, you can achieve maximum results.

Step 5

Push-ups and stretches.

To strengthen the pectoral muscle, it is effective to do not just power loads, but also stretching exercises. For example, this type of push-up: arms on chairs are wider than shoulders. Feet also on the surface (ideally above the arms, for example on a sofa). Smoothly lower the body to the maximum stretch of the muscles, as you exhale, quickly rise. By stretching, muscles grow faster. Do as many repetitions as your physical fitness allows.

Step 6

Dumbbell Exercises

Dumbbells can be purchased in the sports departments of stores, or made by yourself (pour sand into two empty cylinders). Build a horizontal surface from the stools, lie on your back. Hold the dumbbells in straight arms in front of you. Spread your arms to the sides, lowering them below the chest, feeling muscle tension. Close your hands. Do this exercise several times.

Step 7

Another dumbbell exercise.

In a standing position, stretch your arms with dumbbells forward (palms towards each other). At the same time, put your hands behind your head, as far as possible. This should be done smoothly, no sudden movements. Return your arms to their original position. It is also important to feel the tension in the chest muscles while doing this exercise.

Step 8

Muscles can hurt after exercise. Do not be afraid - this is an indicator that the muscles are growing. When exercising regularly, do not forget about rest. Better to do it every other day. So the muscles will be able to fully relax, and this is very important.
