In order to pump up the pectoral muscles, you will need to perform a set of special exercises. Achieving the effect will require constant training. By the way, you don't have to go to the gym. You can also practice at home.

- - horizontal bar;
- - dumbbells.
Step 1
Do push-ups with the bars: grab them so that they slightly exceed shoulder width. In this case, the legs should be bent, and the arms should be straightened. Tilt your body forward slightly and lower yourself, trying to spread your elbows to the side. Without pausing, immediately return to the starting position.
Step 2
Do push-ups on the floor. This will not only help to develop and pump up the pectoral muscles, but also determine what state they are in at the moment. If you want to maintain muscle tone, do 15-20 reps in one set. But it is worth noting that such a standard is not designed for people who have just started their studies. Beginners should do push-ups 8-10 times per set. Over time, you can reduce the number of approaches and increase the number of push-ups.
Step 3
Bench press is an exercise no less effective. True, at home it is difficult to do (in the gym it would be much easier to do it). So, lie on the floor, take dumbbells in your hands, place your hands at chest level. Lift the dumbbells straight up and tighten your pectoral muscles. Now lower your arms and repeat the exercise immediately. On average, 8-10 repetitions should be performed in one approach. If you do less, increase the weight of the dumbbells, and if you do more, decrease their weight. One workout should include at least three approaches.
Step 4
Stand against a wall or doorframe and put your hands on it. At the same time, press as if you want to move the entire wall. This exercise should be done for about one minute. Then you should bend over slightly and increase the pressure on your chest. Stand in this position for another minute. Do not forget that in order to achieve the result, you must press with all your might, otherwise the muscles will not receive the proper load.