How To Build Biceps In A Month

How To Build Biceps In A Month
How To Build Biceps In A Month

Table of contents:


Pumped up arms are the pride of every man. How pleasant it is to put on a short-sleeved shirt on a summer day and notice the admiring glances of women. Biceps is not a very capricious muscle, and with the right approach and hard training, success is guaranteed. How to quickly build biceps and feel like a real man? Perform a set of exercises for a month, do not be lazy, and soon your hands will acquire perfect shape.

Building biceps isn't difficult, but patience is required
Building biceps isn't difficult, but patience is required

It is necessary

dumbbells, barbell, horizontal bar


Step 1

Pull up on the bar. This will help to stretch the biceps well, develop them in width and give them a neat, rounded shape. However, you will not be able to gain biceps mass with pull-ups alone; special exercises with weights will be required.

Step 2

Stand up straight, preferably against the wall, grab the barbell with a bottom grip, spread your arms shoulder-width apart, fix your elbows at your sides. Bend your arms, lifting the barbell towards your shoulders. You need to lift the bar with the tension of the back muscles, but at the expense of the biceps. Do not swing or bend your back. Never lift the bar using your elbows, they should always be pressed firmly against your body. Pause briefly at the top, then return to starting position. Make sure that the bar does not dangle or hang on outstretched arms. Do not bend back when doing the exercise, do not straighten your elbows. Maintain tension in the exercised muscles.

Step 3

Take a dumbbell in your hand, turning your palm towards you. Keep your hand near your thigh. Lift the dumbbell up, expanding the brush. Make the final turn of the brush at the top point. Lower your hand down with tension, watch the movement smoothly.

Place the hand with the dumbbell on the bench. Bend your elbow while slowly pulling the dumbbell up to shoulder level. At the end of the flexion, flex your biceps strongly. Extend your arm very smoothly, without jerking.

Step 4

Sit on a bench with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hand with a weight on your thigh (inner side) near the knee. Extend your arm fully and begin bending. You must lift the load all the way. Having reached the limit, tense the muscle and return to the starting position.

Step 5

Pick the two exercises you like the most. Do two to three sets for eight to ten reps. If you are pressed for time, exercise at least once a week.
