A person who wants to gain additional muscle mass in a short time must follow a few simple rules. Many of them are well known, but few follow them. But if you really want to achieve your goal, then you will comply with each of these requirements.

Step 1
First of all, make adjustments to your own diet. At the time of gaining muscle mass, you need to switch to separate meals. It consists in the separate consumption of protein and carbohydrate foods. This is due to the fact that an acidic environment in the stomach is required for the digestion of proteins, and an alkaline environment for carbohydrates. Protein food includes meat, fish, milk, etc., carbohydrate food - cereals, bread, pasta, etc. If you consume these two types of food at the same time (for example, potatoes with chicken), the stomach is under increased stress, it has to consistently create two opposite environments for the digestion of food. There is a third type of food - neutral, it includes vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts. They can be eaten with any carbohydrate or protein foods. Thus, you will create the prerequisites for gaining muscle mass if you eat rationally and wisely.
Step 2
Divide your entire daily diet into 6 or even 8 meals. Accordingly, the amount of food eaten at one time, you will need to reduce. This is due to the fact that by the time of the next meal, all the food from the previous intake should have already been digested.
Step 3
Remember to have breakfast every morning. This is a must-have meal and should be one of the most plentiful. Also eat a small meal shortly before bed.
Step 4
Pay close attention to the regime. Be sure to observe eight hours of sleep. With a night's rest, your body will fully recover from a hard day and be ready for good food absorption and muscle building.
Step 5
Get regular strength training. Exercise machines are the best way to shape the relief where you want. Drink protein shakes after class. Use the services of an experienced trainer, he will give you advice on gaining muscle mass, suitable specifically for your constitution.