Due to the lack of free time for exercise, more and more men are overweight. The most unpleasant manifestations of excess weight are a sagging chin and fat at the waist. You can get rid of this only by observing an integrated approach of exercise and proper nutrition.

Step 1
In order to remove the chin and reduce weight, you must first of all systematize your daily routine and diet. Go to bed strictly at a certain time, allocate eight to nine hours of sleep.
Step 2
Cut back on your diet. Eliminate all fatty foods, minimize heavy foods. For a couple of weeks, give up meat and fatty altogether, after this period, try to minimize the presence of heavy foods in your diet in the afternoon. Do not eat after six in the evening, the maximum you can eat is salads without dressing, fresh vegetables and fruits.
Step 3
Train as much as possible. Spend two to three hours a day every other day in the gym, combining strength training with aerobic training. Remember that the harder you exercise, the more fat is burned and the closer you are to your goal. If possible, use the services of a trainer to help you develop the most optimal workout plan for burning fat.
Step 4
Be sure to run in the morning. Your main task is to make your metabolism work so fast that excess calories will be burned. After getting rid of excess fat, try not to allow it to reappear, make it a rule to work out in the gym two or three times a week.