The last day of the competition was a triumphant one for Russian skiers. After all, the athletes were able to take the entire podium, having received bronze, silver and gold medals.

So the XXII Olympic Games, which were held in Russia, have come to an end. At the beginning of the competition, no one could have imagined that this Olympics would be one of the most successful for the Russian team in recent years. Now we can say with confidence that Russia will take first place in the unofficial medal standings. Literally in the last three days of the games, Russian athletes have made a big breakthrough, bringing the team several gold medals at once.
The last day of the competition will be remembered by Russian fans for a long time. After all, it was on this day that a set of medals was played in the most prestigious and difficult ski race - a 50 km freestyle marathon. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, Russian skiers managed to accomplish a real man's feat - only Russian athletes climbed the podium.
The race was interesting until the last minutes of the competition. Only in the last meters of the distance, skiers were able to resolve the dispute over medals. So, Alexander Legkov came to the finish line first. The second and third places were determined with the help of a photo finish, as a result Maxim Vylegzhanin was only 0.1 seconds ahead of Ilya Chernousov. The last Russian ski marathon winner was Mikhail Ivanov, who received the gold medal in 2002. Thanks to this triumphant victory, the Russian team secured an early victory in terms of the number of medals won.
It is doubly pleasant that medals will be awarded to the winners at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games. Three flags of the Russian national team will rise at the stadium at once, this is a real triumph and the final chord at this Olympics. After all, Russia was able to prove to the whole world that it is able not only to organize the largest games in history, but also to win with dignity.