Why Is The Face Swollen

Why Is The Face Swollen
Why Is The Face Swollen

Sometimes you have to deal with the fact that the face (especially after sleep) looks swollen. It can take many forms, from bags under the eyes to swollen cheeks and chin. Naturally, not a single person (especially a woman) will like it. In addition to purely aesthetic discomfort, disturbing thoughts immediately arise: what if this is a sign of some kind of illness? Indeed, what is the reason for the face to become swollen?

Why is the face swollen
Why is the face swollen

First of all, this may be the result of elementary overwork, lack of sleep. In this case, you need to try to streamline the daily routine and reduce the load, pay special attention to good sleep in a well-ventilated area.

Swelling of the face (especially if it is associated with swelling of the limbs) is often caused by impaired renal function. After all, the kidneys play an important role in ridding the body of harmful substances, and any failure in their normal functioning does not pass without a trace. You should definitely consult a doctor and pass all the necessary tests. If necessary, he will prescribe the necessary treatment, including taking diuretics.

Also, this phenomenon can occur due to an excess of salt in the body. After all, salt retains fluid, which is why edema appears. Diet needs to be adjusted to minimize the consumption of salty foods and drinks (such as tomato juice). It is also advisable to reduce the intake of smoked and canned food.

Edema sometimes appears due to a lack of incoming fluid, when the body begins to "store" it, as it were. Then you should increase the consumption of water (simple or weakly mineral), drink more weak tea or fruit juices. There can be no obligatory, average norms here, since each organism is strictly individual. But I usually recommend sticking to the daily norm: 30 ml of liquid per 1 kg of body weight. That is, it is advisable for a healthy adult weighing 80 kg to consume about 2.5 liters of liquid (including first courses) at knocks. But at the same time it is better not to drink at night.

Sometimes the swelling of facial tissues is due to a malfunction of the endocrine glands (for example, the thyroid). Therefore, it is advisable to contact a qualified endocrinologist and undergo an examination, and, if necessary, a course of treatment.
