The muscles of the back are involved in almost all arm movements, turning the head, bending the torso and shoulder blades. Their development should be given as much time as the development of other muscles, since they participate in the harmonious formation of the upper body.

Step 1
In the initial position, the right shoulder is lowered as much as possible down. The left hand wraps around the wrist of the right hand. Apply pressure to your right hand while trying to raise it. Arrow F indicates the direction of the force to be applied. And the arrow with the designation R indicates the force that will resist.

Step 2
To start the exercise, place your hands horizontally and bending at the elbow joints. At the same time, try to bring your shoulder blades back. It is necessary to alternate the smooth reduction of hands and jerking them back.

Step 3
In a sitting position, put your hands behind your back and place them on the lower back. Hands should be pressed to the lower back with the upper side of the hand. Bring your shoulder blades and elbows to the middle of your back. There should be one smooth movement for three sharp jerks.

Step 4
Straighten your arms behind your back and join them in the lock. Move your arms up from your lower back. Move your hands smoothly and only at the end you can make a sharp movement. This exercise can be performed with weights, picking up a small dumbbell or with wrist weights.

Step 5
In the initial position, the arms are brought back and slightly bent at the elbows. It is necessary to smoothly raise your hands up behind your back. For the best effect, you can do this exercise with a slight weight.

Step 6
Raise your arms over your head and join your hands into a grip. Tighten your shoulder muscles and trapezius muscle. I do not remove the load from the muscles, gently lower your arms. Repeat the exercise at least 15 times.

Step 7
In the initial position, the arms are raised above the head and the hands are locked. Similar to the previous exercise, tense the muscles of the shoulder and dorsal group, making an elliptical movement with your hands.

Step 8
The exercise is performed while sitting on a bench. Place your hands on your knees. Apply pressure to your knees with your hands, trying to bring them together. Resist this pressure with your feet. This exercise works not only on the trapezius muscle of the back, but also on the biceps femoris.

Step 9
This exercise is similar to the previous one, but is performed while sitting on the floor. The range of hand movements should be small. The movement of the hands to bring closer together is best done with inhalation.