Many people want to be healthy and young for many years - the quality of life depends on it. Thanks to the flexibility of the spine, a person remains active for a long time. Joint mobility is important here. Children have excellent flexibility and stretch. Growing up, a person loses all these properties, since he does not pay due attention to the spine.

Often age-related changes lead to limited mobility of the spinal column. In this case, the fusion of the vertebrae can begin, which leads to the formation of a bony whisker. A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle aggravates this pathological process.
To understand in what state the flexibility of the spinal column and what is its plasticity, it is necessary to assess it. Simple tests will help you with this.
What is spine flexibility: screening tests
With the help of certain tests, you can check the mobility of the vertebrae, which must be done very carefully, without much effort.
Test # 1. From a straight body position (legs together), we tilt forward and downward (as low as possible). Use your fingertips to touch the floor.
Test No. 2. We lie on our stomach, bring our legs together and press them to the floor (they should not come off the floor in any case). From this position, we raise our head up together with the chest. The distance from the floor to the chest should be 10 to 20 cm.
Test No. 3. We stand with our backs to the wall, with our legs at a width of 30 cm. We bend down to one side without lifting our backs. Then in the opposite direction, lowering your fingertips slightly below the knee joints (if possible, touch your calves with your fingers).
Test number 4. We sit on a chair facing its back, legs are spread. In this case, the hands rest on the kneecaps. The pelvis and legs remain in place. Turn the head and body back.
Test No. 5. We lie down on our backs, put our legs behind our heads. Try to reach with your toes on the floor, keeping your legs straight (ideal). Note for yourself: whether they touched the floor, in what position were the legs (slightly or strongly bent).
If, during these tests, the flexibility of the spine is noted, that is, all exercises are performed with ease, then the spinal column is in excellent shape. To have this flexibility and stretch over the years, it is necessary to support the spine and strengthen its muscular corset through various exercises.
But if there is pain in the spine or some stiffness in any place during exercise, this is a reason to go to a medical institution and undergo an examination. Perhaps you need a thorough diagnosis and serious treatment.
Additional test
Testing is done for the presence of curvature of the spine. We put one hand behind the back from above over the shoulder, and with the other hand - from below from the waist. We connect the fingers. Then we change the position in the same way. With an even spine, the hands are connected without problems, easily and painlessly. If there is a curvature of the spine, there may be problems with placing the hands, discomfort, soreness, or even no way to perform the test.