People who regularly visit the gym have no idea how much time to do it. This question is very correct, because everyone wants to bring only benefit to his body, not harm. The entire training process must be organized wisely.

Some are of the opinion that it is better to study in the morning for no more than three hours, others - no more than an hour. So how is it right?
Let's take a look at the main factors that affect exercise duration. The first is age. The older a person is, the less opportunity he has. Therefore, the training time should be minimal. The result will be achieved longer than others, but the body will not be depleted. The second is training experience. Beginners can hardly master the set of exercises, which lasts one hour. But the more "advanced" cope with such exercises very simply. The third factor is the state of the body before training. Most people rush to the gym immediately after work. The person is exhausted, there is little strength left for training. The fourth is the number of workouts per week. The more often you exercise (for example 3-4 times a week), the less time should be. You don't need to overload your body.
Remember that short workouts will not bring the desired results, and too long can be detrimental to the body. Most training programs are designed for 1, 5 hours. But it also depends on the above factors. Focus on your body, capabilities and general well-being. For maximum effectiveness, of course, you need to force yourself to complete the entire set of exercises. But if you feel pain in your back, joints, then it is better to postpone the workout. The most important rule is that the training should take place under the slogan “I don’t want to go through”, and not “through I cannot”.
The duration of your workout also depends on the goal you want to achieve. For example, if you want to build muscle mass, then the duration should be about 1-1.5 hours. For beginners, this time will be slightly longer, as they need to first provide the muscles with a basic base. If your goal is to lose weight, then half an hour will be enough, but not less.
When choosing for yourself the optimal duration of classes, take into account age and health status. Then training will only be beneficial.