What Food Should You Eat Before Your Workout?

What Food Should You Eat Before Your Workout?
What Food Should You Eat Before Your Workout?

You need to go to the gym in the morning, even if classes are in the evening. In the hustle and bustle of the day, it’s so easy to forget how to eat before a workout that you can have a rush to eat half an hour before. As a result - heaviness in the stomach, nausea and, in the end, spoiled occupation.

What food should you eat before your workout?
What food should you eat before your workout?

Many people quit playing sports precisely because they do not know what to eat before exercising to make it enjoyable and effective. We'll have to change the regime and style of food.

Menu before exercise

When considering what to eat before training, first of all, you need to pay attention to easily digestible proteins and complex carbohydrates. At the same time, a couple of hours before exercise, it is necessary to reduce fat intake to a minimum.

What does such nutrition give? Carbohydrates provide the brain and muscles with the energy they need during exercise. In addition, during periods of intense physical activity, even simple carbohydrates - sweet pastries, honey, juices - are not deposited in fat. On the contrary, such products, being quickly absorbed, are consumed just as quickly.

Protein plays a key role in pre-workout nutrition. It is a building block for cells that allows you to burn excess fat without losing muscle mass. The lack of fat not only provides a comfortable feeling in the stomach during physical activity, but also improves digestion and absorption of nutrients from proteins and carbohydrates.

Dishes for athletes

Physically active people, interested in how to eat before exercise, imply a specific menu. Those who consider sports to be a significant part of their life, consume only vegetable or fruit juices, fresh fruit, protein shakes or cereal bars, as well as muesli with milk or just boiled eggs before exercising.

Ordinary people who visit a fitness club from time to time also want to know what to eat before training, without changing their lifestyle. It is quite enough for such people to use boiled poultry with rice or buckwheat, baked potatoes with fish or protein omelet with oatmeal a couple of hours before classes.

Those who are in a hurry to workout from work and cannot prepare a full meal for themselves should take note of the snack in the form of protein shakes. They are prepared from cottage cheese, eggs, milk powder or infant formula, adding yogurt, whole milk, whey, kefir, yogurt, juices, berries, dried fruits, nuts, etc. It is quite possible to take these ingredients with you to work and you will not need to figure out what to eat before training.

This cocktail can be drunk half an hour before the start of classes. And drink it down with strong unsweetened tea, which will help remove fat from fat cells and burn it during exercise.
