Yoga is a combination of many physical and spiritual practices, but in a narrow sense it can be considered a kind of oriental gymnastics, consisting of a set of exercises - asanas.

All yoga asanas are aimed at improving the body, including weight loss. Yoga practice speeds up metabolism and allows you to burn calories without heavy physical exertion. In addition, there are exercises that help in weight loss are especially effective, such as virabhadrasana or "warrior pose".
Please note that beginners should first master the simplest and most popular yoga asanas, and then move on to more complex exercises
How is it done
1. "Warrior"
Raise your straight arms so that your head is between them. Bend your knees and pull your pelvis back. Now put your straightened left leg back. The right leg is bent at the knee and forms a right angle. Put your palms together over your head. The shoulders are straightened, the ribcage is directed upward, and the body is directed forward. The gaze is directed upward or forward. Hold this position for a few seconds, then do the exercise for the other leg, or smoothly move to position "2".

2. "The Warrior Looking Ahead"
It is performed from the "Warrior" pose - turn your left foot 90 degrees and rest your outer side on the floor. Turn the body and head to the left. Lower your straightened arms down through the sides. They should be level with the shoulders, palms facing down, arms stretching to the sides. The neck is straight.

3. "Warrior with an extended side"
It is performed from pose "2" - tilt the body to the right, do not change the position of the legs. Try to touch the floor with your right hand. Raise your left hand up and pull to the right. From the foot of the left foot to the tips of the fingers of the left hand, the body should form a straight line.
The benefits of exercise for the body
Virabhadrasana has a positive effect on the muscles of the legs, back and shoulders, improves posture and digestion, and gives ease of gait. This asana is especially suitable for women whose fat deposits are located mainly in the pelvic area - the warrior's pose will help to reduce them. In addition, virabhadrasana is recommended for people suffering from osteochondrosis and arthritis.
The exercise is quite energy-consuming and difficult to perform, therefore, as a result of its regular implementation, endurance and willpower are excellently trained. You will be able to assess the capabilities of your body, and bring your sense of balance almost to perfection. After performing the warrior's pose, a surge of cheerfulness is felt, an increase in the general tone of the body.
Who is contraindicated in virabhadrasana
Despite the undoubted beneficial properties for the body, the warrior's pose also has some contraindications. So, this asana is not desirable for people suffering from high blood pressure and heart disease. If you have problems with the shoulder joints and neck, then the exercise should be performed with extreme caution - you should not throw your head back too much.
If you have hernias or a lot of weight, it is advisable to use the wall as a support - in this case, you will achieve the maximum benefit from the exercise for your body, but at the same time you will save yourself from possible injury.