What Is Yoga And What Is It Good For

What Is Yoga And What Is It Good For
What Is Yoga And What Is It Good For

Yoga today is becoming an increasingly popular practice to strengthen the physical and spiritual state of a person. There are quite a few kinds of this practice. And not everyone can immediately decide for themselves - which is better? where is more use? And in general, is it worth doing yoga?

Let's take a closer look at this issue.

What is yoga and what is it good for
What is yoga and what is it good for

Despite the great popularity of yoga, this or that kind of yoga may not be suitable for everyone. First, decide whether you want to do yoga to maintain your figure, or just to raise your mood and improve your overall well-being.

If you want to improve your figure and the physical condition of the body in general, choose from the following types:

1. Hatha yoga is classical: the main feature is the unhurried pace of the exercises. This yoga will allow you to relax and strengthen your muscles. And also this yoga allows you to start from the basics and gradually move on in mastering more complex asanas.

2. Yoga of Iyengar: this type of yoga is also characterized by the slowness of the technique of performing exercises, in addition, such yoga is suitable for people of any age. Here, mastering goes from simple to complex - you will gradually master the correct execution of asanas in compliance with safety techniques.

3. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga: This type of yoga is suitable for people who love dynamics and are in constant motion. Here, the exercises are performed in a fast rhythm and in fact resemble artistic gymnastics. But the result will not be long in coming - a slender and fit body is provided for you.

If you want to enjoy your classes, relax and improve your mood, then pay attention to these types of yoga:

1. Kundalini Yoga: This type of yoga will help you gain strength. Here you will not only work with the body and breath, but also chant mantras, as this yoga works with sounds and vibrations.

2. Yoga Nidra: Helps you to relax. Another variant of the name is "the dream of the yogis". In essence, this is a psychotechnique, which from the outside looks like a dream and is aimed at tracking your own breathing and sensations of your own body.

3. Sivananda Yoga: This type is perfect for beginners - here the focus is on relaxation. You will meditate a lot, which means you will relax and seek harmony with your body and soul.

4. Sahaja yoga: a method of meditation. Here the exceptional work of your spirit manifests itself - self-contemplation, self-realization, the establishment of the physical and emotional harmony of a person. This yoga is suitable for those who are looking for Truth and Harmony.

We examined the main areas of yoga. Of course, new directions are emerging now, but their main feature is the compilation of existing techniques. Whether it is worth doing these types of yoga, or starting with the classic options - everyone decides for himself. The main thing is to determine the goal - and the direction will come.
