When playing bowling, you need to know the basics of this game in order to choose the right ball, take the right position, calculate the force of the blow, and aim accurately. Of course, practice is the most effective way to learn any business, but knowing the basics of throwing technique will help you acquire the necessary skills faster.

Step 1
Choose the weight of the ball that suits you best. Note that small, lightweight balls usually have small finger holes and this can be awkward.
Step 2
Take the ball with your thumb, middle, and forefinger. In this case, the thumb should be completely immersed in the hole, and the other two should only catch the ball. Hold the ball with your right hand (left if you are left-handed) at a level just above the waist, and lightly support it with the other hand. Press your elbow to your body.
Step 3
Run forward, count on four steps, making the last step the largest. Take the first step with your right foot (left-handed - with your left).
Step 4
Swipe the ball in the first three steps so that on the last step the hand with the ball goes only forward, while swinging as much as possible. When making a swing with your hand, make sure that the movement of the hand with the ball is strictly backward. Do not allow swing to the side, shoulder turn, do not try to increase the power of the throw in this way.
Step 5
The fourth step is a simultaneous sliding movement of the left foot and a forward movement of the arm with the ball. Slide forward when you feel the ball begin to drop.
Step 6
Try to pass the speed that you gained during the take-off to the ball at the moment of the throw. If you have accurately calculated the takeoff, span and speed, the ball will be thrown when the leg stops after the last sliding step.
Step 7
Try to throw the ball at ankle level. Tilt your body forward, bend your knees. Move your free hand to the side, it will help you maintain balance. Look ahead, not at the ball. It is best to aim by looking at the middle of the seven arrows marked on the track.